Source code for PyMca5.PyMcaCore.NexusTools

# The PyMca X-Ray Fluorescence Toolkit
# Copyright (c) 2018-2023 European Synchrotron Radiation Facility
# This file is part of the PyMca X-ray Fluorescence Toolkit developed at
# the ESRF.
# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
# of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
# in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
# to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
# copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
# furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
# all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
__author__ = "V.A. Sole"
__contact__ = ""
__license__ = "MIT"
__copyright__ = "European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Grenoble, France"
import sys
import os
from operator import itemgetter
import re
import posixpath
    # try to import hdf5plugin
    if hdf5plugin not in sys.modules:
        import hdf5plugin
except Exception:
    # but do not crash just because of it
import h5py
from h5py import File, Dataset, Group
    from import is_dataset, is_group
except Exception:
    def is_dataset(something):
        return False

    def is_group(something):
        return False

import logging
_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def isGroup(item):
    if isinstance(item, Group):
        return True
    elif hasattr(item, "keys"):
        return True
    elif is_group(item):
        return True
        return False

def isDataset(item):
    if isinstance(item, Dataset):
        return True
    elif is_dataset(item):
        return True
        return False

#sorting method
def h5py_sorting(object_list):
    sorting_list = ['start_time', 'end_time', 'name']
    n = len(object_list)
    if n < 2:
        return object_list

    # we have received items, not values
    # perform a first sort based on received names
    # this solves a problem with Eiger data where all the
    # external data have the same posixName. Without this sorting
    # they arrive "unsorted"
        posixNames = [item[1].name for item in object_list]
    except AttributeError:
        # Typical of broken external links
        _logger.debug("HDF5Widget: Cannot get posixNames")
        return object_list

    # This implementation only sorts entries
    if posixpath.dirname(posixNames[0]) != "/":
        return object_list

    sorting_key = None
    if hasattr(object_list[0][1], "items"):
        for key in sorting_list:
            if key in [x[0] for x in object_list[0][1].items()]:
                sorting_key = key

    if sorting_key is None:
        if 'name' in sorting_list:
            sorting_key = 'name'
            return object_list

        if sorting_key != 'name':
            sorting_list = [(o[1][sorting_key][()], o)
                           for o in object_list]
            sorted_list = sorted(sorting_list, key=itemgetter(0))
            return [x[1] for x in sorted_list]

        if sorting_key == 'name':
            sorting_list = [(_get_number_list(o[1].name),o)
                           for o in object_list]
            return [x[1] for x in sorting_list]
    except Exception:
        #The only way to reach this point is to have different
        #structures among the different entries. In that case
        #defaults to the unfiltered case
        _logger.warning("Default ordering. "
                        "Probably all entries do not have the key %s", sorting_key)
        return object_list

def _get_number_list(txt):
    rexpr = '[/a-zA-Z:-]'
    nbs= [float(w) for w in re.split(rexpr, txt) if w not in ['',' ']]
    return nbs

[docs]def getEntryName(path, h5file=None): """ Retrieve the top level name (not h5py object) associated to a given path despite being or not an NXentry group. """ entry_name = path candidate = posixpath.dirname(entry_name) while len(candidate) > 1: entry_name = candidate candidate = posixpath.dirname(entry_name) if h5file is not None: if entry_name not in h5file["/"]: # dealing with a external link? items_list = list(h5file["/"].items()) for key, group in items_list: if not isGroup(group): continue if == entry_name: link = h5file.get(key, getlink=True) if isinstance(link, h5py.ExternalLink):"Dealing with external link")"External filename = <%s>" % link.filename)"External path = <%s>" % link.path) entry_name = "/" + key break return entry_name
[docs]def getTitle(h5file, path): """ Retrieve the title associated to the entry asoociated to the provided path It returns an emptry string of not title is found """ entry = h5file[getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file)] title = '' if isGroup(entry) and "title" in entry: title = entry["title"][()] if hasattr(title, "dtype"): _logger.warning("entry title should be a string not an array") if hasattr(title, "__len__"): if len(title) == 1: title = title[0] if hasattr(title, "decode"): title = title.decode("utf-8") return title
[docs]def getNXdataList(h5file, path, objects=False): """ Retrieve the hdf5 group names down a given path where the NXclass attribute is set to "NXdata". If groups is False (default) it returns the dataset names. If groups is True it returns the actual objects. """ return getNXClassList(h5file, path, classes=["NXdata", b"NXdata"], objects=objects)
[docs]def getNXClassList(h5file, path, classes, objects=False): """ Retrieve the hdf5 group names down a given path where the NXclass attribute is set to one of the items in the classes list. If objects is False (default) it returns the group names. If objects is True it returns the actual HDF5 group objects. """ pathList =[] def visit_function(name, obj): if isGroup(obj): append = False forget = False namebased = False for key, value in obj.attrs.items(): if key in ["NX_class", b"NX_class"]: if value in classes: append = True else: forget = True if append: if objects: pathList.append(obj) else: pathList.append( if hasattr(h5file[path], "visititems"): # prevent errors dealing with toplevel datasets h5file[path].visititems(visit_function) return pathList
def _correct_entry_path(path, entry_in, entry_out): if entry_in in path: if path.index(entry_in) == 0: return entry_out + path[len(entry_in):] return path
[docs]def sanitizeFilePath(h5file, path, entry=None): """ This deals with the ESRF case of having a top-level entry being an external link to another top-level entry but with different name """ try: h5file[path] except KeyError: if entry is None: # this can still fail # the case where it fails is when two external links point to two different # files with the same entry name. Easily found at ESRF with top level master path = _correct_entry_path(path, getEntryName(path), getEntryName(path, h5file)) else: path = _correct_entry_path(path, getEntryName(path), entry) return path
[docs]def getMcaList(h5file, path, dataset=False, ignore=None): """ Retrieve the hdf5 dataset names down a given path where the interpretation attribute is set to "spectrum". It also considers as eligible datasets, those whose last dimension is more than 1 and their name or parent group name start by mca. If dataset is False (default) it returns the dataset names. If dataset is True it returns the actual datasets. Apparently visititems ignores links. The following situation would not work: Actual dataset in /entry/detector/data with no interpretation attribute set and link to it named /entry/measurement/mca """ _logger.debug("Received path %s" % path) # deal with ESRF external links with different names from the targets correct_entry_path = False entry_path = getEntryName(path) entry_file = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) _logger.debug("Associated entry name from path %s" % entry_path) _logger.debug("Associated entry name from file %s" % entry_file) if entry_path: if entry_path != entry_file: path = _correct_entry_path(path, entry_path, entry_file) correct_entry_path = True _logger.debug("Finally used path %s" % path) if ignore is None: ignore = ["channels", "calibration", "live_time", "preset_time", "elapsed_time", "i0", "it", "i0_to_flux_factor", "it_to_flux_factor", "time", "energy"] datasetList =[] def visit_function(name, obj): if is_dataset(obj): append = False forget = False namebased = False for key, value in obj.attrs.items(): if key == "interpretation": if value in ["spectrum", b"spectrum"]: append = True else: forget = True if (not append) and (not forget): #support (risky) name based solutions too. # the dataset name starts with MCA or # the parent group starts with MCA if posixpath.basename(name).lower().startswith("mca") or \ posixpath.basename(posixpath.dirname(name)).lower().startswith("mca"): append = True namebased = True if append: # an actual MCA spectrum will have more than one channel if (not namebased) and ("measurement" in name): # ALBA sets the interpretation attribute to spectrum # to every counter in the measurement group if len(obj.shape) == 1: # I have to figure out if in fact it is just a # misuse of the interpretation attribute posnames = getScannedPositioners(h5file, path) for motor in posnames: if h5file[motor].size == obj.size: append = False if append: # perform some name filtering if posixpath.basename( in ignore: append = False if append: # the measurement group if len(obj.shape) > 0: if obj.shape[-1] > 1: if dataset: datasetList.append(obj) else: name = name = sanitizeFilePath(h5file, name) datasetList.append(name) if hasattr(h5file[path], "visititems"): # prevent errors dealing with toplevel datasets h5file[path].visititems(visit_function) return datasetList
[docs]def getMcaObjectPaths(h5file, mcaPath): """ Given an h5py instance and the path to a dataset, try to retrieve all the paths with associated information needed to build an McaSpectrumObject. McaSpectrumObject is a DataObject where data are the counts and the info part contains the information below - live_time - preset_time - elapsed_time - counts - channels - calibration The information below will be read but is not used as it does not belong to the detector but to a yet-to-be-defined PyMca XRF application definition. Please do not rely on it. - i0 - it - i0_to_flux_factor - it_to_flux_factor """ if not mcaPath.startswith("/"): # this is needed in order to avoid posixpath to return # an empty string mcaPath = "/" + mcaPath mca = {} mca["counts"] = mcaPath mca["target"] = mcaPath mcaKeys = ["channels", "calibration", "live_time", "preset_time", "elapsed_time", "i0", "it", "i0_to_flux_factor", "it_to_flux_factor"] # This initialization is not needed (at least for the time being) #mca["channels"] = None #mca["live_time"] = None #mca["elapsed_time"] = None #mca["preset_time"]= None #mca["calibration"] = [0.0, 1.0, 0.0] #mca["i0"] = None #mca["it"] = None #mca["i0_to_flux_factor"] = 1.0 #mca["it_to_flux_factor"] = 1.0"Input path <%s>" % (mcaPath,)) # check entry entry_item = getEntryName(mcaPath) entry_file = getEntryName(mcaPath, h5file=h5file) if entry_item != entry_file: mcaPath = _correct_entry_path(mcaPath, entry_item, entry_file)"Used path <%s>" % (mcaPath,)) # look at the same level as the dataset parentPath = posixpath.dirname(mcaPath) searchPaths =[parentPath] # look at a container group named info at the same level if "info" in h5file[parentPath]: infoPath = posixpath.join(parentPath, "info") searchPaths.append(infoPath) # look at one level higher if the container is an NXdetector detectorPath = posixpath.dirname(parentPath) nxClass = "" obj = h5file[detectorPath] for key, value in obj.attrs.items(): if key in ["NX_class", b"NX_class"]: if value in ["NXdetector", b"NXdetector"]: searchPaths.append(detectorPath) # look for the relevant information in those groups for path in searchPaths: group = h5file[path] items_list = list(group.items()) for key, item in items_list: baseKey = posixpath.basename(key) if (baseKey in mcaKeys) and (key != mcaPath): if baseKey not in mca: mca[baseKey] = sanitizeFilePath(h5file, if len(mca) == 2: # we found nothing # check if we are dealing with a soft link basename = posixpath.basename(mcaPath) link = h5file[parentPath].get(basename, getlink=True) if hasattr(link, "path"): if hasattr(link, "filename"): # external link filename = link.filename if os.path.exists(filename): # it should always exist h5file = File(filename, "r") mca = getMcaObjectPaths(h5file, link.path) keys = list(mca.keys()) for key in keys: mca[key] = filename + "::" + mca[key] else: # soft link mca = getMcaObjectPaths(h5file, link.path) mca["counts"] = mcaPath return mca
[docs]def getNXClassGroups(h5file, path, classes, single=False): """ Retrieve the hdf5 groups inside a given path where the NX_class attribute matches one of the items in the classes list. """ groups = [] items_list = list(h5file[path].items()) if ("NXentry" in classes) or (b"NXentry" in classes): items_list = h5py_sorting(items_list) for key, group in items_list: if not isGroup(group): continue for attr in group.attrs: if attr in ["NX_class", b"NX_class"]: if group.attrs[attr] in classes: groups.append(group) if single: break link = h5file.get(key, getlink=True) if isinstance(link, h5py.ExternalLink):"External filename = <%s>" % link.filename)"External file path = <%s>" % link.path) return groups
[docs]def getPositionersGroup(h5file, path): """ Retrieve the positioners group associated to a path retrieving them from the same entry. It assumes they are either in: - NXentry/NXinstrument/positioners or - NXentry/measurement/pre_scan_snapshot """ entry_path = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) instrument = getNXClassGroups(h5file, entry_path, ["NXinstrument", b"NXinstrument"], single=True) positioners = None if len(instrument): instrument = instrument[0] for key in instrument.keys(): if key in ["positioners", b"positioners"]: positioners = instrument[key] if not isGroup(positioners): positioners = None if positioners is None: # sardana stores the positioners inside measurement/pre_scan_snapshot entry = h5file[entry_path] sardana = "measurement/pre_scan_snapshot" if sardana in entry: group = entry[sardana] if isGroup(group): positioners = group return positioners
[docs]def getStartingPositionersGroup(h5file, path): """ Retrieve the start positioners group associated to a path retrieving them from the same entry. It assumes they are either in: - NXentry/NXinstrument/positioners_start or - NXentry/NXinstrument/positioners or - NXentry/measurement/pre_scan_snapshot """ entry_path = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) instrument = getNXClassGroups(h5file, entry_path, ["NXinstrument", b"NXinstrument"], single=True) positioners = None if len(instrument): instrument = instrument[0] for key in instrument.keys(): if key in ["positioners_start", b"positioners_start"]: positioners = instrument[key] if not isGroup(positioners): positioners = None if positioners is None: positioners = getPositionersGroup(h5file, path) return positioners
[docs]def getStartingPositionerValues(h5file, path): """ Retrieve the start positioners names, values and units associated to a path retrieving them from the same entry. It assumes they are either in: - NXentry/NXinstrument/positioners_start or - NXentry/NXinstrument/positioners or - NXentry/measurement/pre_scan_snapshot """ nxpositioners = getStartingPositionersGroup(h5file, path) positions = list() if nxpositioners is None: return positions for name, dset in nxpositioners.items(): if not isinstance(dset, h5py.Dataset): continue idx = (0,) * dset.ndim positions.append((name, dset[idx], dset.attrs.get("units", ""))) return positions
[docs]def getMeasurementGroup(h5file, path): """ Retrieve the measurement group associated to a path retrieving them from the same entry. It looks for: - A group named measurement at the entry level - The NXdata group at the entry level with the greater number of datasets """ if path in ["/", b"/", "", b""]: raise ValueError("path cannot be the toplevel root") entry_path = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) entry = h5file[entry_path] if hasattr(entry, "items"): items_list = entry.items() else: # we have received a top level dataset return None measurement = None for key, group in items_list: if key in ["measurement", b"measurement"]: if isGroup(group): measurement = group if measurement is None: # try to get the default NXdata groups as measurement group default = None for attr in entry.attrs: if attr in ["default", b"default"]: default = entry.attrs[attr] # hdf5 stores in utf-8 the paths if we got bytes, they need to be converted if hasattr(default, "decode"): default = default.decode() if default is None: # get the NXdata group just behind entry that contains more items inside # and take it as measurement group nxdatas = getNXClassGroups(h5file, entry_path, ["NXdata", b"NXdata"], single=False) if len(nxdatas): measurement = nxdatas[0] nitems = len(measurement) for group in nxdatas: if len(group) > nitems: measurement = group nitems = len(measurement) else: # default could be anything ... crashes should be prevented if default in entry: group = entry[default] if isGroup(group): measurement = group return measurement
def getInstrumentGroup(h5file, path): entry_name = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) groups = getNXClassGroups(h5file, entry_name, ["NXinstrument", b"NXinstrument"] , single=False) n = len(groups) if n == 0: return None else: if n > 1: _logger.warning("More than one instrument associated to the same entry") return groups[0]
[docs]def getScannedPositioners(h5file, path): """ Try to retrieve the positioners (aka. motors) that were moved. For that: - Look for datasets present at measurement and positioners groups - Look for positioners with more than one single value - Look for datasets present at measurement and title """ entry_name = getEntryName(path, h5file=h5file) try: title = getTitle(h5file, path) except Exception: _logger.warning("Error getting title from entry <%s>" % entry_name) title = "" measurement = getMeasurementGroup(h5file, entry_name) scanned = [] if measurement is not None: positioners = getPositionersGroup(h5file, entry_name) if positioners is not None: priorityPositioners = False if priorityPositioners: counters = [key for key, item in measurement.items() if isDataset(item)] scanned = [ for key, item in positioners.items() if key in counters] else: motors = [key for key, item in positioners.items() if isDataset(item)] scanned = [ for key, item in measurement.items() if key in motors] if len(scanned) > 1: # check that motors are not duplicated without reason scanned = [ for key, item in measurement.items() if \ (key in motors) and \ (hasattr(item, "size") and (item.size > 1))] if not len(scanned): # look for datasets with more than one single value inside positioners scanned = [ for key, item in positioners.items() if \ isDataset(item) and \ (hasattr(item, "size") and (item.size > 1))] if len(title) and hasattr(title, "split"): if not len(scanned) or "fscan " in title: tokens = title.split() scanned = scanned + [ for key, item in measurement.items() if \ isDataset(item) and \ (key in tokens)] # provide proper sorting if len(scanned) > 1 and sys.version_info > (3, 3): # sort irrespective of capital or lower case scanned.sort(key=str.casefold) if len(title) and hasattr(title, "split"): indices = [] tokens = title.split() offset = len(tokens) + len(scanned) for key in scanned: short = posixpath.basename(key) if short in tokens: indices.append((tokens.index(short), key)) else: indices.append((offset + scanned.index(key), key)) indices.sort() scanned = [key for idx, key in indices] return scanned
if __name__ == "__main__": import h5py try: sourcename=sys.argv[1] except Exception: print("Usage: NexusTools <file> <key>") sys.exit() try: from import open as h5open h5 = h5open(sourcename) except Exception: h5 = h5py.File(sourcename, 'r') entries = getNXClassGroups(h5, "/", ["NXentry", b"NXentry"], single=False) print("entries = ", entries) if not len(entries): entries = [item for name, item in h5["/"].items() if isGroup(item)] for entry in entries: if "title" in entry: print("Entry title = %s" % entry["title"][()]) measurement = getMeasurementGroup(h5, if measurement is None: print("No measurement") else: print("Measurement name = %s " % instrument = getInstrumentGroup(h5, if instrument is None: print("No instrument") else: print("Instrument name = %s " % positioners = getPositionersGroup(h5, if positioners is None: print("No positioners") else: print("Positioners name = %s " % scanned = getScannedPositioners(h5, if len(scanned): for i in range(len(scanned)): print("Scanned motors %d = %s" % (i, scanned[i])) else: print("Unknown scanned motors") mca = getMcaList(h5,, dataset=False) if len(mca): for i in range(len(mca)): print("MCA dataset %d = %s" % (i, mca[i])) info = getMcaObjectPaths(h5, mca[i]) for key in info: print('mca["%s"] = %s' % (key, info[key])) else: print("No MCA found")