
FabIO can, as any Python module, be installed from its sources, available on the Python cheese shop but we advice to use binary wheels packages provided for the most common platforms: Windows, MacOSX. For Debian Linux and its derivatives (Ubuntu, Mint, …), FabIO is part of the distributions and itss package is named python-fabio and can be installed via:

sudo apt-get install fabio-bin

If you are using MS Windows or MacOSX; binary version (as wheel packages) are PIP-installable. PIP is the Python Installer Program, similar to apt-get for Python. It runs under any architecture. It should best be used in a virtual environament:

    python3 -m venv py3
    pip install setuptools wheel pip --upgrade
pip install fabio

Installation under windows

Python is not installed by default under Windows operating system. We suggest you install Python3 from the official web page. Python 3.7 is recommended, in 64 bits version if your operating system allows it; but any Python3 (>=3.5) are OK. The support for Python2 has ended in 2020 and FabIO is no more tested there.

If you are looking for an integrated scientific Python distribution on Windows, WinPython is a good one, Anaconda is also very popular. Please use Python3 as the support of Python2 has ended.

Then install using PIP as previously

Manual installation under windows

You will find all the scientific Python stack packaged for Windows on Christoph Gohlke’ page (including FabIO):

Pay attention to the Python version (both number and architecture). DO NOT MIX 32 and 64 bits version. To determine the version and architecture width of the Python interpreter:

>>> import sys
>>> print(sys.version)
3.7.1 (default, Mar  1 2019, 12:57:24)
>>> print("%s bits"%(8 * tuple.__itemsize__))
64 bits

Installation from sources

pip install -r ci/requirements_appveyor.txt --trusted-host

Get the compiler and install it

The version of the compiler and the version of the Microsoft SDK have to match the Python version you are using. Please refer to the Microsoft Visual studio compatibility with Python list.

Compile the sources

pip install setuptools wheel
pip install -r ci\requirements_appveyor.txt
python build
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist\fabio*.whl

Testing version of FabIO

Continuous integration runs the complete test suite on multiple operating systems and python version. Under Windows, this is done using the AppVeyor cloud service Select the environment which matches your setup like Environment: PYTHON=C:Python37-x64, PYTHON_VERSION=3.7.1, PYTHON_ARCH=64 and go to artifacts where wheels and MSI-installers are available.

Installation on MacOSX

Python 2.7, 64 bits and numpy are natively available on MacOSX but Python2 has reached its end on like. You have to install Python3 from the official web page.

Install via PIP

It is recommended to install Fabio into a virtual environment we will call py3 and then install FabIO directly in it:

    python3 -m venv ~/py3
    source ~/py3/bin/activate
    pip install setuptools wheel pip --upgrade
pip install fabio

Compile from sources

Get the compiler

Apple provides for free Xcode which contains the compiler needed to build binary extensions. Xcode can be installed from the App-store.

Compile the sources

Once done, follow the classical procedure (similar to Windows or Linux):

pip install -r ci/requirements_travis.txt --trusted-host
python build
python test
python bdist_wheel
pip install dist/fabio*.whel

Manual Installation for any operating system

Install the dependencies

Most Linux distribution come with a Python environment configured. Complete it with the needed dependencies. Please ensure you use Python3.x x>=5 and that numpy is installed on your computer.

For full functionality of FabIO the following modules need to be installed:

  • Pillow (python imaging library) -
  • lxml (library for reading XSDimages)
  • PyQt for the fabio_viewer program

Once done, follow the classical procedure (similar to Windows or MacOSX):

    # Create a virtual env:
    python3 -m venv ~/py3
    source ~/py3/bin/activate
    pip install setuptools wheel pip --upgrade
    # Install the dependencies
    pip install -r ci/requirements_travis.txt --trusted-host
python build
python test
python bdist_wheel
# Install the freshly build package
    pip install dist/fabio*.whl

Development versions

The newest development version can be obtained by checking it out from the git repository:

git clone
cd fabio
    pip install -r ci/requirements_travis.txt --trusted-host
python build
python test
python bdist_wheel
# Install the freshly build package
    pip install dist/fabio*.whl

Automatic debian packaging

Debian 8 and newer

The same script,, will create real debian packages: It will build a bunch of 6 debian packages:

  • fabio-bin: the GUI for visualizing diffraction images
  • fabio-doc: the documumentation package
  • python3-fabio: library built for Python3
  • python3-fabio-dbg: debug symbols for Python3

For this, you need a complete debian build environment:

sudo apt-get build-dep python3-fabio

This script works the same way with Debian-9 stretch and newer.

Test suite

FabIO has a comprehensive test-suite to ensure non regression. When you run the test for the first time, many test images will be download and converted into various compressed format like gzip and bzip2 (this takes a lot of time).

Be sure you have an internet connection and your proxy setting are correctly defined in the environment variable http_proxy. For example if you are behind a firewall/proxy (No more needed at ESRF):

Under Linux and MacOSX:

export http_proxy=

Under Windows:

set http_proxy=

Where and 3128 correspond to the proxy server and port on your network.

Many tests are there to deal with malformed files, don’t worry if the programs complains in warnings about “bad files”, it is done on purpose to ensure robustness in FabIO.

Run test suite from installation directory

To run the test:

python build test

Run test suite from installed version

Within Python (or ipython):

>>> import fabio
>>> fabio.tests()

Test coverage

FabIO comes with 49 test-suites (315 tests in total) representing a coverage of 73%. This ensures both non regression over time and ease the distribution under different platforms: FabIO runs under Linux, MacOSX and Windows (in each case in 32 and 64 bits) with Python versions 3.5, 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8. Under linux it has been tested on i386, x86_64, arm, arm64, ppc, ppc64le. FabIO may run on other untested systems but without warranty.