Python module to build and run a freeart reconstruction from a configuraton file (.cfg file).
Create the link between freeart and a configuration file. Basically set up a reconstruction
Abstract class from which each interpreter (fluorescence, tx...) should inherit
Iterate on the reconstruction. Each iteration generate a backward projection for each angle of acquisition (in a random order).
Interpreter for tx reconstruction
Parameters: | filePath – the path of the cfg file |
FreeART interpreter for fluorescence reconstruction. Basicall y take a .cfg file containing the description of the reconstruction in input and create all corresponding ARTAlgorithm for such reconstructions
Parameters: | filePath – the configuration file to be interpreted. |
List all the materials present in the sample
File where to get the selfAbsMat file in case the user give them
The file of the absorption matrix file
all the art algorithm to fit the configuration file
sinograms to treat
the interaction matrices
compute the probability of emission of the element for a specific energy and material.
Parameters: |
Returns: | the probability of emission of the element for a specific energy and material. |