
  • The default metric in FreeARt is the centimeter.

  • Absorption is always record as \(g.cm^{-2}\).

    Internally to compute the absorption in the voxel we will compute the absorption from stepLength*voxelAbsorption with

    • stepLength = distance cross the voxel
    • voxelAbsorption = absorption on this voxel (\(g.cm^{-2}\))

in python

from freeart.unitsystem import metricsystem
detectorDistance = 1000 *metricsystem.cm
detectorRadius  = 10.0 *metricsystem.mm

in cpp

#include <units.h>
FreeART::ExperimentSetUp esu(1, FreeART::DetectorSetUp(FreeART::Position_FC(1000.0*UNITS::cm, 0.0,0.0), 10*UNITS::mm));