from os import linesep
from configparser import ConfigParser
from ..utils import check_supported, deprecated
# option "type":
# - required: always visible, user must provide a valid value
# - optional: visible, but might be left blank
# - advanced: optional and not visible by default
# - unsupported: hidden (not implemented yet)
_options_levels = {
"required": 0,
"optional": 1,
"advanced": 2,
"unsupported": 10,
class NabuConfigParser:
"The class 'NabuConfigParser' is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. Please use parse_nabu_config_file instead",
def __init__(self, fname):
Nabu configuration file parser.
fname: str
File name of the configuration file
parser = ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=("#",)) # allow in-line comments
with open(fname) as fid:
file_content =
self.parser = parser
self.file_content = file_content.split(linesep)
def get_dict(self):
# Is there an officially supported way to do this ?
self.conf_dict = self.parser._sections
return self.conf_dict
def __str__(self):
return self.conf_dict.__str__()
def __repr__(self):
return self.conf_dict.__repr__()
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.conf_dict[key]
def parse_nabu_config_file(fname, allow_no_value=False):
Parse a configuration file and returns a dictionary.
fname: str
File name of the configuration file
conf_dict: dict
Dictionary with the configuration
parser = ConfigParser(
inline_comment_prefixes=("#",), # allow in-line comments
with open(fname) as fid:
file_content =
conf_dict = parser._sections # Is there an officially supported way to do this ?
return conf_dict
def generate_nabu_configfile(
Generate a nabu configuration file.
fname: str
Output file path.
config: dict
Configuration to save. If section and / or key missing will store the
default value
sections: list of str, optional
Sections which should be included in the configuration file
comments: bool, optional
Whether to include comments in the configuration file
options_level: str, optional
Which "level" of options to embed in the file. Can be "required", "optional", "advanced".
Default is "optional".
if options_level is None:
options_level = "optional"
if prefilled_values is None:
prefilled_values = {}
check_supported(options_level, list(_options_levels.keys()), "options_level")
options_level = _options_levels[options_level]
if config is None:
config = {}
if sections is None:
sections = default_config.keys()
def dump_help(fid, help_sequence):
for help_line in help_sequence.split(linesep):
content = "# %s" % (help_line) if help_line.strip() != "" else ""
content = content + linesep
with open(fname, "w") as fid:
for section, section_content in default_config.items():
if section not in sections:
if section != "dataset":
fid.write("%s%s" % (linesep, linesep))
fid.write("[%s]%s" % (section, linesep))
if sections_comments is not None and section in sections_comments:
dump_help(fid, sections_comments[section])
for key, values in section_content.items():
if options_level < _options_levels[values["type"]]:
if comments and values["help"].strip() != "":
dump_help(fid, values["help"])
value = values["default"]
if section in prefilled_values and key in prefilled_values[section]:
value = prefilled_values[section][key]
if section in config and key in config[section]:
value = config[section][key]
fid.write("%s = %s%s" % (key, value, linesep))
def _extract_nabuconfig_section(section, default_config):
res = {}
for key, val in default_config[section].items():
res[key] = val["default"]
return res
def _extract_nabuconfig_keyvals(default_config):
res = {}
for section in default_config.keys():
res[section] = _extract_nabuconfig_section(section, default_config)
return res
def get_default_nabu_config(default_config):
Return a dictionary with the default nabu configuration.
return _extract_nabuconfig_keyvals(default_config)
def _handle_modified_key(key, val, section, default_config, renamed_keys):
if val is not None:
return key, val, section
if key in renamed_keys and renamed_keys[key]["section"] == section:
info = renamed_keys[key]
print("This is deprecated since version %s and will result in an error in futures versions" % (info["since"]))
section = info.get("new_section", section)
if info["new_name"] == "":
return None, None, section # deleted key
val = default_config[section].get(info["new_name"], None)
return info["new_name"], val, section
return key, None, section # unhandled renamed/deleted key
def validate_config(config, default_config, renamed_keys, errors="warn"):
Validate a configuration dictionary against a "default" configuration dict.
config: dict
configuration dict to be validated
default_config: dict
Reference configuration. Missing keys/sections from 'config' will be updated with
keys from this dictionary.
errors: str, optional
What to do when an unknonw key/section is encountered. Possible actions are:
- "warn": throw a warning, continue the validation
- "raise": raise an error and exit
def error(msg):
if errors == "raise":
raise ValueError(msg)
print("Error: %s" % msg)
res_config = {}
for section, section_content in config.items():
# Ignore the "other" section
if section.lower() == "other":
if section not in default_config:
error("Unknown section [%s]" % section)
res_config[section] = _extract_nabuconfig_section(section, default_config)
for key, value in res_config[section].items():
opt = default_config[section].get(key, None)
key, opt, section_updated = _handle_modified_key(key, opt, section, default_config, renamed_keys)
if key is None:
continue # deleted key
if opt is None:
error("Unknown option '%s' in section [%s]" % (key, section_updated))
validator = default_config[section_updated][key]["validator"]
if section_updated not in res_config: # missing section - handled later
res_config[section_updated][key] = validator(section_updated, key, value)
# Handle sections missing in config
for section in set(default_config.keys()) - set(res_config.keys()):
res_config[section] = _extract_nabuconfig_section(section, default_config)
for key, value in res_config[section].items():
validator = default_config[section][key]["validator"]
res_config[section][key] = validator(section, key, value)
return res_config
validate_nabu_config = deprecated("validate_nabu_config is renamed validate_config", do_print=True)(validate_config)
def overwrite_config(conf, overwritten_params):
Overwrite a (validated) configuration with a new parameters dict.
conf: dict
Configuration dictionary, usually output from validate_config()
overwritten_params: dict
Configuration dictionary with the same layout, containing parameters to overwrite
overwritten_params = overwritten_params or {}
for section, params in overwritten_params.items():
if section not in conf:
raise ValueError("Unknown section %s" % section)
current_section = conf[section]
for key in params.keys():
if key not in current_section:
raise ValueError("Unknown parameter '%s' in section '%s'" % (key, section))
conf[section][key] = overwritten_params[section][key]
# ---
return conf