Source code for nabu.preproc.ccd_cuda

import numpy as np
from ..preproc.ccd import CCDFilter, Log
from ..processing.medfilt_cuda import MedianFilter
from ..utils import get_cuda_srcfile, updiv, deprecated_class
from ..cuda.utils import __has_pycuda__

if __has_pycuda__:
    from ..cuda.kernel import CudaKernel

from .flatfield_cuda import (
    CudaFlatField as CudaFlatfield_,
    CudaFlatFieldArrays as CudaFlatFieldArrays_,
    CudaFlatFieldDataUrls as CudaFlatFieldDataUrls_,

FlatField = deprecated_class(
    "preproc.ccd_cuda.CudaFlatField was moved to preproc.flatfield_cuda.CudaFlatField", do_print=True
FlatFieldArrays = deprecated_class(
    "preproc.ccd_cuda.CudaFlatFieldArrays was moved to preproc.flatfield_cuda.CudaFlatFieldArrays", do_print=True
FlatFieldDataUrls = deprecated_class(
    "preproc.ccd_cuda.CudaFlatFieldDataUrls was moved to preproc.flatfield_cuda.CudaFlatFieldDataUrls", do_print=True

[docs] class CudaCCDFilter(CCDFilter): def __init__( self, radios_shape, correction_type="median_clip", median_clip_thresh=0.1, abs_diff=False, cuda_options=None, ): """ Initialize a CudaCCDCorrection instance. Please refer to the documentation of CCDCorrection. """ super().__init__( radios_shape, correction_type=correction_type, median_clip_thresh=median_clip_thresh, ) self._set_cuda_options(cuda_options) self.cuda_median_filter = None if correction_type == "median_clip": self.cuda_median_filter = MedianFilter( self.shape, footprint=(3, 3), mode="reflect", threshold=median_clip_thresh, abs_diff=abs_diff, cuda_options={ "device_id": self.cuda_options["device_id"], "ctx": self.cuda_options["ctx"], "cleanup_at_exit": self.cuda_options["cleanup_at_exit"], }, ) def _set_cuda_options(self, user_cuda_options): self.cuda_options = {"device_id": None, "ctx": None, "cleanup_at_exit": None} if user_cuda_options is None: user_cuda_options = {} self.cuda_options.update(user_cuda_options)
[docs] def median_clip_correction(self, radio, output=None): """ Compute the median clip correction on one image. Parameters ---------- radio: pycuda.gpuarray A radio image output: pycuda.gpuarray, optional Output data. """ assert radio.shape == self.shape return self.cuda_median_filter.medfilt2(radio, output=output)
CudaCCDCorrection = deprecated_class("CudaCCDCorrection is replaced with CudaCCDFilter", do_print=True)(CudaCCDFilter)
[docs] class CudaLog(Log): """ Helper class to take -log(radios) """ def __init__(self, radios_shape, clip_min=None, clip_max=None): """ Initialize a Log processing. Parameters ----------- radios_shape: tuple The shape of 3D radios stack. clip_min: float, optional Data smaller than this value is replaced by this value. clip_max: float, optional. Data bigger than this value is replaced by this value. """ super().__init__(radios_shape, clip_min=clip_min, clip_max=clip_max) self._init_kernels() def _init_kernels(self): self._do_clip_min = int(self.clip_min is not None) self._do_clip_max = int(self.clip_max is not None) self.clip_min = np.float32(self.clip_min or 0) self.clip_max = np.float32(self.clip_max or 1) self._nlog_srcfile = get_cuda_srcfile("") nz, ny, nx = self.radios_shape self._nx = np.int32(nx) self._ny = np.int32(ny) self._nz = np.int32(nz) self._nthreadsperblock = (16, 16, 4) # TODO tune ? self._nblocks = tuple([updiv(n, p) for n, p in zip([nx, ny, nz], self._nthreadsperblock)]) self.nlog_kernel = CudaKernel( # pylint: disable=E0606 "nlog", filename=self._nlog_srcfile, signature="Piiiff", options=[ "-DDO_CLIP_MIN=%d" % self._do_clip_min, "-DDO_CLIP_MAX=%d" % self._do_clip_max, ], )
[docs] def take_logarithm(self, radios, clip_min=None, clip_max=None): """ Take the negative logarithm of a radios chunk. Parameters ----------- radios: `pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray` Radios chunk If not provided, a new GPU array is created. clip_min: float, optional Before taking the logarithm, the values are clipped to this minimum. clip_max: float, optional Before taking the logarithm, the values are clipped to this maximum. """ clip_min = clip_min or self.clip_min clip_max = clip_max or self.clip_max if radios.flags.c_contiguous: self.nlog_kernel( radios, self._nx, self._ny, self._nz, clip_min, clip_max, grid=self._nblocks, block=self._nthreadsperblock, ) else: # map-like operations cannot be directly applied on 3D arrays # that are not C-contiguous. We have to process image per image. # TODO it's even worse when each single frame is not C-contiguous. For now this case is not handled nz = np.int32(1) nthreadsperblock = (32, 32, 1) nblocks = tuple([updiv(n, p) for n, p in zip([int(self._nx), int(self._ny), int(nz)], nthreadsperblock)]) for i in range(radios.shape[0]): self.nlog_kernel( radios[i], self._nx, self._ny, nz, clip_min, clip_max, grid=nblocks, block=nthreadsperblock ) return radios