from os.path import dirname
import numpy as np
from ..utils import updiv, get_cuda_srcfile
from ..cuda.utils import __has_pycuda__
from ..misc.utils import ConvolutionInfos
from ..cuda.processing import CudaProcessing
if __has_pycuda__:
from pycuda.compiler import SourceModule
class Convolution:
A class for performing convolution on GPU with CUDA, but without using
textures (unlike for example in ``silx.opencl.convolution``)
def __init__(self, shape, kernel, axes=None, mode=None, extra_options=None, cuda_options=None):
Constructor of Cuda Convolution.
shape: tuple
Shape of the array.
kernel: array-like
Convolution kernel (1D, 2D or 3D).
axes: tuple, optional
Axes along which the convolution is performed,
for batched convolutions.
mode: str, optional
Boundary handling mode. Available modes are:
- "reflect": cba|abcd|dcb
- "nearest": aaa|abcd|ddd
- "wrap": bcd|abcd|abc
- "constant": 000|abcd|000
Default is "reflect".
extra_options: dict, optional
Advanced options (dict). Current options are:
- "allocate_input_array": True
- "allocate_output_array": True
- "allocate_tmp_array": True
- "sourcemodule_kwargs": {}
- "batch_along_flat_dims": True
self.cuda = CudaProcessing(**(cuda_options or {}))
self._determine_use_case(shape, kernel, axes)
def _configure_extra_options(self, extra_options):
self.extra_options = {
"allocate_input_array": True,
"allocate_output_array": True,
"allocate_tmp_array": True,
"sourcemodule_kwargs": {},
"batch_along_flat_dims": True,
extra_opts = extra_options or {}
self.sourcemodule_kwargs = self.extra_options["sourcemodule_kwargs"]
def _get_dimensions(self, shape, kernel):
self.shape = shape
self.data_ndim = self._check_dimensions(shape=shape, name="Data")
self.kernel_ndim = self._check_dimensions(arr=kernel, name="Kernel")
Nx = shape[-1]
if self.data_ndim >= 2:
Ny = shape[-2]
Ny = 1
if self.data_ndim >= 3:
Nz = shape[-3]
Nz = 1
self.Nx = np.int32(Nx)
self.Ny = np.int32(Ny)
self.Nz = np.int32(Nz)
def _determine_use_case(self, shape, kernel, axes):
Determine the convolution use case from the input/kernel shape, and axes.
self._get_dimensions(shape, kernel)
if self.kernel_ndim > self.data_ndim:
raise ValueError("Kernel dimensions cannot exceed data dimensions")
data_ndim = self.data_ndim
kernel_ndim = self.kernel_ndim
self.kernel = kernel.astype("f")
convol_infos = ConvolutionInfos()
k = (data_ndim, kernel_ndim)
if k not in convol_infos.use_cases:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find a use case for data ndim = %d and kernel ndim = %d" % (data_ndim, kernel_ndim)
possible_use_cases = convol_infos.use_cases[k]
# If some dimensions are "flat", make a batched convolution along them
# Ex. data_dim = (1, Nx) -> batched 1D convolution
if self.extra_options["batch_along_flat_dims"] and (1 in self.shape):
axes = tuple([curr_dim for numels, curr_dim in zip(self.shape, range(len(self.shape))) if numels != 1])
self.use_case_name = None
for uc_name, uc_params in possible_use_cases.items():
if axes in convol_infos.allowed_axes[uc_name]:
self.use_case_name = uc_name
self.use_case_desc = uc_params["name"]
self.use_case_kernels = uc_params["kernels"].copy()
if self.use_case_name is None:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find a use case for data ndim = %d, kernel ndim = %d and axes=%s"
% (data_ndim, kernel_ndim, str(axes))
# TODO implement this use case
if self.use_case_name == "batched_separable_2D_1D_3D":
raise NotImplementedError("The use case %s is not implemented" % self.use_case_name)
self.axes = axes
# Replace "axes=None" with an actual value (except for ND-ND)
allowed_axes = convol_infos.allowed_axes[self.use_case_name]
if len(allowed_axes) > 1:
# The default choice might impact perfs
self.axes = allowed_axes[0] or allowed_axes[1]
self.separable = self.use_case_name.startswith("separable")
self.batched = self.use_case_name.startswith("batched")
def _allocate_memory(self, mode):
self.mode = mode or "reflect"
# The current implementation does not support kernel size bigger than data size,
# except for mode="nearest"
for i, dim_size in enumerate(self.shape):
if min(self.kernel.shape) > dim_size and i in self.axes:
"Warning: kernel support is too large for data dimension %d (%d). Forcing convolution mode to 'nearest'"
% (i, dim_size)
self.mode = "nearest"
option_array_names = {
"allocate_input_array": "data_in",
"allocate_output_array": "data_out",
"allocate_tmp_array": "data_tmp",
# Nonseparable transforms do not need tmp array
if not (self.separable):
self.extra_options["allocate_tmp_array"] = False
# Allocate arrays
for option_name, array_name in option_array_names.items():
if self.extra_options[option_name]:
value = self.cuda.allocate_array("value", self.shape, np.float32)
value = None
setattr(self, array_name, value)
if isinstance(self.kernel, np.ndarray):
self.d_kernel = self.cuda.to_device("d_kernel", self.kernel)
if not (isinstance(self.kernel, self.cuda.array_class)):
raise ValueError("kernel must be either numpy array or pycuda array")
self.d_kernel = self.kernel
self._old_input_ref = None
self._old_output_ref = None
self._c_modes_mapping = {
"periodic": 2,
"wrap": 2,
"nearest": 1,
"replicate": 1,
"reflect": 0,
"constant": 3,
mp = self._c_modes_mapping
if self.mode.lower() not in mp:
raise ValueError(
Mode %s is not available. Available modes are:
% (self.mode, str(mp.keys()))
if self.mode.lower() == "constant":
raise NotImplementedError("mode='constant' is not implemented yet")
self._c_conv_mode = mp[self.mode]
def _init_kernels(self):
if self.kernel_ndim > 1:
if np.abs(np.diff(self.kernel.shape)).max() > 0:
raise NotImplementedError("Non-separable convolution with non-square kernels is not implemented yet")
# Compile source module
compile_options = [str("-DUSED_CONV_MODE=%d" % self._c_conv_mode)]
fname = get_cuda_srcfile("")
nabu_cuda_dir = dirname(fname)
include_dirs = [nabu_cuda_dir]
self.sourcemodule_kwargs["options"] = compile_options
self.sourcemodule_kwargs["include_dirs"] = include_dirs
with open(fname) as fid:
cuda_src =
self._module = SourceModule(cuda_src, **self.sourcemodule_kwargs) # pylint: disable=E0606
# Blocks, grid
self._block_size = {1: (32, 1, 1), 2: (32, 32, 1), 3: (16, 8, 8)}[self.data_ndim] # TODO tune
self._n_blocks = tuple([int(updiv(a, b)) for a, b in zip(self.shape[::-1], self._block_size)])
# Prepare cuda kernel calls
self._cudakernel_signature = {
1: "PPPiiii",
2: "PPPiiiii",
3: "PPPiiiiii",
self.cuda_kernels = {}
for axis, kern_name in enumerate(self.use_case_kernels):
self.cuda_kernels[axis] = self._module.get_function(kern_name)
# Cuda kernel arguments
kernel_args = [
if self.kernel_ndim == 2:
kernel_args.insert(5, np.int32(self.kernel.shape[1]))
if self.kernel_ndim == 3:
kernel_args.insert(5, np.int32(self.kernel.shape[2]))
kernel_args.insert(6, np.int32(self.kernel.shape[1]))
self.kernel_args = tuple(kernel_args)
# If self.data_tmp is allocated, separable transforms can be performed
# by a series of batched transforms, without any copy, by swapping refs.
self.swap_pattern = None
if self.separable:
if self.data_tmp is not None:
self.swap_pattern = {
2: [("data_in", "data_tmp"), ("data_tmp", "data_out")],
3: [
("data_in", "data_out"),
("data_out", "data_tmp"),
("data_tmp", "data_out"),
raise NotImplementedError("For now, data_tmp has to be allocated")
def _get_swapped_arrays(self, i):
Get the input and output arrays to use when using a "swap pattern".
Swapping refs enables to avoid copies between temp. array and output.
For example, a separable 2D->1D convolution on 2D data reads:
data_tmp = convol(data_input, kernel, axis=1) # step i=0
data_out = convol(data_tmp, kernel, axis=0) # step i=1
:param i: current step number of the separable convolution
n_batchs = len(self.axes)
in_ref, out_ref = self.swap_pattern[n_batchs][i]
d_in = getattr(self, in_ref)
d_out = getattr(self, out_ref)
return d_in, d_out
def _configure_kernel_args(self, cuda_kernel_args, input_ref, output_ref):
# TODO more elegant
if isinstance(input_ref, self.cuda.array_class):
input_ref = input_ref.gpudata
if isinstance(output_ref, self.cuda.array_class):
output_ref = output_ref.gpudata
if input_ref is not None or output_ref is not None:
cuda_kernel_args = list(cuda_kernel_args)
if input_ref is not None:
cuda_kernel_args[2] = input_ref
if output_ref is not None:
cuda_kernel_args[3] = output_ref
cuda_kernel_args = tuple(cuda_kernel_args)
return cuda_kernel_args
def _check_dimensions(arr=None, shape=None, name="", dim_min=1, dim_max=3):
if shape is not None:
ndim = len(shape)
elif arr is not None:
ndim = arr.ndim
raise ValueError("Please provide either arr= or shape=")
if ndim < dim_min or ndim > dim_max:
raise ValueError("%s dimensions should be between %d and %d" % (name, dim_min, dim_max))
return ndim
def _check_array(self, arr):
if not (isinstance(arr, self.cuda.array_class) or isinstance(arr, np.ndarray)):
raise TypeError("Expected either pycuda.gpuarray or numpy.ndarray")
if arr.dtype != np.float32:
raise TypeError("Data must be float32")
if arr.shape != self.shape:
raise ValueError("Expected data shape = %s" % str(self.shape))
def _set_arrays(self, array, output=None):
# Either copy H->D or update references.
if isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
self.data_in[:] = array[:]
self._old_input_ref = self.data_in
self.data_in = array
data_in_ref = self.data_in
if output is not None:
if not (isinstance(output, np.ndarray)):
self._old_output_ref = self.data_out
self.data_out = output
# Update Cuda kernel arguments with new array references
self.kernel_args = self._configure_kernel_args(self.kernel_args, data_in_ref, self.data_out)
def _separable_convolution(self):
assert len(self.axes) == len(self.use_case_kernels)
# Separable: one kernel call per data dimension
for i, axis in enumerate(self.axes):
in_ref, out_ref = self._get_swapped_arrays(i)
self._batched_convolution(axis, input_ref=in_ref, output_ref=out_ref)
def _batched_convolution(self, axis, input_ref=None, output_ref=None):
# Batched: one kernel call in total
cuda_kernel = self.cuda_kernels[axis]
cuda_kernel_args = self._configure_kernel_args(self.kernel_args, input_ref, output_ref)
ev = cuda_kernel.prepared_call(*cuda_kernel_args)
def _nd_convolution(self):
assert len(self.use_case_kernels) == 1
cuda_kernel = self._module.get_function(self.use_case_kernels[0])
ev = cuda_kernel.prepared_call(*self.kernel_args)
def _recover_arrays_references(self):
if self._old_input_ref is not None:
self.data_in = self._old_input_ref
self._old_input_ref = None
if self._old_output_ref is not None:
self.data_out = self._old_output_ref
self._old_output_ref = None
self.kernel_args = self._configure_kernel_args(self.kernel_args, self.data_in, self.data_out)
def _get_output(self, output):
if output is None:
res = self.data_out.get()
res = output
if isinstance(output, np.ndarray):
output[:] = self.data_out[:]
return res
def convolve(self, array, output=None):
Convolve an array with the class kernel.
:param array: Input array. Can be numpy.ndarray or pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray.
:param output: Output array. Can be numpy.ndarray or pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray.
self._set_arrays(array, output=output)
if self.axes is not None:
if self.separable:
elif self.batched:
assert len(self.axes) == 1
# else: ND-ND convol
# ND-ND convol
res = self._get_output(output)
return res
__call__ = convolve