nabu.preproc.shift_cuda module

class nabu.preproc.shift_cuda.CudaVerticalShift(radios_shape, shifts, **cuda_options)[source]

Bases: VerticalShift

Vertical Shifter, Cuda backend.

apply_vertical_shifts(radios, iangles, output=None)[source]
  • radios (3D pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray) – The input radios. If the optional parameter is not given, they are modified in-place

  • iangles (a sequence of integers) – Must have the same lenght as radios. It contains the index at which the shift is found in self.shifts given by shifts argument in the initialisation of the object.

  • output (3D pycuda.gpuarray.GPUArray, optional) – If given, it will be modified to contain the shifted radios. Must be of the same shape of radios.