Source code for silx.gui.colors

# coding: utf-8
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"""This module provides API to manage colors.

from __future__ import absolute_import

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent", "H.Payno"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "29/01/2019"

import numpy
import logging
import collections
from silx.gui import qt
from silx import config
from silx.math.combo import min_max
from silx.math.colormap import cmap as _cmap
from silx.utils.exceptions import NotEditableError
from silx.utils import deprecation
from silx.resources import resource_filename as _resource_filename

_logger = logging.getLogger(__file__)

    from matplotlib import cm as _matplotlib_cm
except ImportError:"matplotlib not available, only embedded colormaps available")
    _matplotlib_cm = None

"""Dictionary of common colors."""

_COLORDICT['b'] = _COLORDICT['blue'] = '#0000ff'
_COLORDICT['r'] = _COLORDICT['red'] = '#ff0000'
_COLORDICT['g'] = _COLORDICT['green'] = '#00ff00'
_COLORDICT['k'] = _COLORDICT['black'] = '#000000'
_COLORDICT['w'] = _COLORDICT['white'] = '#ffffff'
_COLORDICT['pink'] = '#ff66ff'
_COLORDICT['brown'] = '#a52a2a'
_COLORDICT['orange'] = '#ff9900'
_COLORDICT['violet'] = '#6600ff'
_COLORDICT['gray'] = _COLORDICT['grey'] = '#a0a0a4'
# _COLORDICT['darkGray'] = _COLORDICT['darkGrey'] = '#808080'
# _COLORDICT['lightGray'] = _COLORDICT['lightGrey'] = '#c0c0c0'
_COLORDICT['y'] = _COLORDICT['yellow'] = '#ffff00'
_COLORDICT['m'] = _COLORDICT['magenta'] = '#ff00ff'
_COLORDICT['c'] = _COLORDICT['cyan'] = '#00ffff'
_COLORDICT['darkBlue'] = '#000080'
_COLORDICT['darkRed'] = '#800000'
_COLORDICT['darkGreen'] = '#008000'
_COLORDICT['darkBrown'] = '#660000'
_COLORDICT['darkCyan'] = '#008080'
_COLORDICT['darkYellow'] = '#808000'
_COLORDICT['darkMagenta'] = '#800080'
_COLORDICT['transparent'] = '#00000000'

# FIXME: It could be nice to expose a functional API instead of that attribute

_LUT_DESCRIPTION = collections.namedtuple("_LUT_DESCRIPTION", ["source", "cursor_color", "preferred"])
"""Description of a LUT for internal purpose."""

_AVAILABLE_LUTS = collections.OrderedDict([
    ('gray', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)),
    ('reversed gray', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)),
    ('temperature', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)),
    ('red', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'green', True)),
    ('green', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'pink', True)),
    ('blue', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('builtin', 'yellow', True)),
    ('jet', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('matplotlib', 'pink', True)),
    ('viridis', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'pink', True)),
    ('magma', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)),
    ('inferno', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)),
    ('plasma', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('resource', 'green', True)),
    ('hsv', _LUT_DESCRIPTION('matplotlib', 'black', True)),
"""Description for internal porpose of all the default LUT provided by the library."""

"""Default min value if in linear normalization"""
"""Default max value if in linear normalization"""
"""Default min value if in log normalization"""
"""Default max value if in log normalization"""

[docs]def rgba(color, colorDict=None): """Convert color code '#RRGGBB' and '#RRGGBBAA' to (R, G, B, A) It also convert RGB(A) values from uint8 to float in [0, 1] and accept a QColor as color argument. :param str color: The color to convert :param dict colorDict: A dictionary of color name conversion to color code :returns: RGBA colors as floats in [0., 1.] :rtype: tuple """ if colorDict is None: colorDict = _COLORDICT if hasattr(color, 'getRgbF'): # QColor support color = color.getRgbF() values = numpy.asarray(color).ravel() if values.dtype.kind in 'iuf': # integer or float # Color is an array assert len(values) in (3, 4) # Convert from integers in [0, 255] to float in [0, 1] if values.dtype.kind in 'iu': values = values / 255. # Clip to [0, 1] values[values < 0.] = 0. values[values > 1.] = 1. if len(values) == 3: return values[0], values[1], values[2], 1. else: return tuple(values) # We assume color is a string if not color.startswith('#'): color = colorDict[color] assert len(color) in (7, 9) and color[0] == '#' r = int(color[1:3], 16) / 255. g = int(color[3:5], 16) / 255. b = int(color[5:7], 16) / 255. a = int(color[7:9], 16) / 255. if len(color) == 9 else 1. return r, g, b, a
[docs]def greyed(color, colorDict=None): """Convert color code '#RRGGBB' and '#RRGGBBAA' to a grey color (R, G, B, A). It also convert RGB(A) values from uint8 to float in [0, 1] and accept a QColor as color argument. :param str color: The color to convert :param dict colorDict: A dictionary of color name conversion to color code :returns: RGBA colors as floats in [0., 1.] :rtype: tuple """ r, g, b, a = rgba(color=color, colorDict=colorDict) g = 0.21 * r + 0.72 * g + 0.07 * b return g, g, g, a
[docs]def cursorColorForColormap(colormapName): """Get a color suitable for overlay over a colormap. :param str colormapName: The name of the colormap. :return: Name of the color. :rtype: str """ description = _AVAILABLE_LUTS.get(colormapName, None) if description is not None: color = description.cursor_color if color is not None: return color return 'black'
# Colormap loader _COLORMAP_CACHE = {} """Cache already used colormaps as name: color LUT""" def _arrayToRgba8888(colors): """Convert colors from a numpy array using float (0..1) int or uint (0..255) to uint8 RGBA. :param numpy.ndarray colors: Array of float int or uint colors to convert :return: colors as uint8 :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ assert len(colors.shape) == 2 assert colors.shape[1] in (3, 4) if colors.dtype == numpy.uint8: pass elif colors.dtype.kind == 'f': # Each bin is [N, N+1[ except the last one: [255, 256] colors = numpy.clip(colors.astype(numpy.float64) * 256, 0., 255.) colors = colors.astype(numpy.uint8) elif colors.dtype.kind in 'iu': colors = numpy.clip(colors, 0, 255) colors = colors.astype(numpy.uint8) if colors.shape[1] == 3: tmp = numpy.empty((len(colors), 4), dtype=numpy.uint8) tmp[:, 0:3] = colors tmp[:, 3] = 255 colors = tmp return colors def _createColormapLut(name): """Returns the color LUT corresponding to a colormap name :param str name: Name of the colormap to load :returns: Corresponding table of colors :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raise ValueError: If no colormap corresponds to name """ description = _AVAILABLE_LUTS.get(name) use_mpl = False if description is not None: if description.source == "builtin": # Build colormap LUT lut = numpy.zeros((256, 4), dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[:, 3] = 255 if name == 'gray': lut[:, :3] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(-1, 1) elif name == 'reversed gray': lut[:, :3] = numpy.arange(255, -1, -1, dtype=numpy.uint8).reshape(-1, 1) elif name == 'red': lut[:, 0] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'green': lut[:, 1] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'blue': lut[:, 2] = numpy.arange(256, dtype=numpy.uint8) elif name == 'temperature': # Red lut[128:192, 0] = numpy.arange(2, 255, 4, dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[192:, 0] = 255 # Green lut[:64, 1] = numpy.arange(0, 255, 4, dtype=numpy.uint8) lut[64:192, 1] = 255 lut[192:, 1] = numpy.arange(252, -1, -4, dtype=numpy.uint8) # Blue lut[:64, 2] = 255 lut[64:128, 2] = numpy.arange(254, 0, -4, dtype=numpy.uint8) else: raise RuntimeError("Built-in colormap not implemented") return lut elif description.source == "resource": # Load colormap LUT colors = numpy.load(_resource_filename("gui/colormaps/%s.npy" % name)) # Convert to uint8 and add alpha channel lut = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) return lut elif description.source == "matplotlib": use_mpl = True else: raise RuntimeError("Internal LUT source '%s' unsupported" % description.source) # Here it expect a matplotlib LUTs if use_mpl: # matplotlib is mandatory if _matplotlib_cm is None: raise ValueError("The colormap '%s' expect matplotlib, but matplotlib is not installed" % name) if _matplotlib_cm is not None: # Try to load with matplotlib colormap = _matplotlib_cm.get_cmap(name) lut = colormap(numpy.linspace(0, 1, colormap.N, endpoint=True)) lut = _arrayToRgba8888(lut) return lut raise ValueError("Unknown colormap '%s'" % name) def _getColormap(name): """Returns the color LUT corresponding to a colormap name :param str name: Name of the colormap to load :returns: Corresponding table of colors :rtype: numpy.ndarray :raise ValueError: If no colormap corresponds to name """ name = str(name) if name not in _COLORMAP_CACHE: lut = _createColormapLut(name) _COLORMAP_CACHE[name] = lut return _COLORMAP_CACHE[name]
[docs]class Colormap(qt.QObject): """Description of a colormap If no `name` nor `colors` are provided, a default gray LUT is used. :param str name: Name of the colormap :param tuple colors: optional, custom colormap. Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array of RGB(A) colors, either uint8 or float in [0, 1]. If 'name' is None, then this array is used as the colormap. :param str normalization: Normalization: 'linear' (default) or 'log' :param float vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) :param float vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ LINEAR = 'linear' """constant for linear normalization""" LOGARITHM = 'log' """constant for logarithmic normalization""" NORMALIZATIONS = (LINEAR, LOGARITHM) """Tuple of managed normalizations""" sigChanged = qt.Signal() """Signal emitted when the colormap has changed.""" def __init__(self, name=None, colors=None, normalization=LINEAR, vmin=None, vmax=None): qt.QObject.__init__(self) self._editable = True assert normalization in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS if normalization is Colormap.LOGARITHM: if (vmin is not None and vmin < 0) or (vmax is not None and vmax < 0): m = "Unsuported vmin (%s) and/or vmax (%s) given for a log scale." m += ' Autoscale will be performed.' m = m % (vmin, vmax) _logger.warning(m) vmin = None vmax = None self._name = None self._colors = None if colors is not None and name is not None: deprecation.deprecated_warning("Argument", name="silx.gui.plot.Colors", reason="name and colors can't be used at the same time", since_version="0.10.0", skip_backtrace_count=1) colors = None if name is not None: self.setName(name) # And resets colormap LUT elif colors is not None: self.setColormapLUT(colors) else: # Default colormap is grey self.setName("gray") self._normalization = str(normalization) self._vmin = float(vmin) if vmin is not None else None self._vmax = float(vmax) if vmax is not None else None
[docs] def setFromColormap(self, other): """Set this colormap using information from the `other` colormap. :param Colormap other: Colormap to use as reference. """ if not self.isEditable(): raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if self == other: return old = self.blockSignals(True) name = other.getName() if name is not None: self.setName(name) else: self.setColormapLUT(other.getColormapLUT()) self.setNormalization(other.getNormalization()) self.setVRange(other.getVMin(), other.getVMax()) self.blockSignals(old) self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def getNColors(self, nbColors=None): """Returns N colors computed by sampling the colormap regularly. :param nbColors: The number of colors in the returned array or None for the default value. The default value is the size of the colormap LUT. :type nbColors: int or None :return: 2D array of uint8 of shape (nbColors, 4) :rtype: numpy.ndarray """ # Handle default value for nbColors if nbColors is None: return numpy.array(self._colors, copy=True) else: colormap = self.copy() colormap.setNormalization(Colormap.LINEAR) colormap.setVRange(vmin=None, vmax=None) colors = colormap.applyToData( numpy.arange(int(nbColors), return colors
[docs] def getName(self): """Return the name of the colormap :rtype: str """ return self._name
[docs] def setName(self, name): """Set the name of the colormap to use. :param str name: The name of the colormap. At least the following names are supported: 'gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'jet', 'viridis', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma'. """ name = str(name) if self._name == name: return if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if name not in self.getSupportedColormaps(): raise ValueError("Colormap name '%s' is not supported" % name) self._name = name self._colors = _getColormap(self._name) self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def getColormapLUT(self, copy=True): """Return the list of colors for the colormap or None if not set. This returns None if the colormap was set with :meth:`setName`. Use :meth:`getNColors` to get the colormap LUT for any colormap. :param bool copy: If true a copy of the numpy array is provided :return: the list of colors for the colormap or None if not set :rtype: numpy.ndarray or None """ if self._name is None: return numpy.array(self._colors, copy=copy) else: return None
[docs] def setColormapLUT(self, colors): """Set the colors of the colormap. :param numpy.ndarray colors: the colors of the LUT. If float, it is converted from [0, 1] to uint8 range. Otherwise it is casted to uint8. .. warning: this will set the value of name to None """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') assert colors is not None colors = numpy.array(colors, copy=False) if colors.shape == (): raise TypeError("An array is expected for 'colors' argument. '%s' was found." % type(colors)) assert len(colors) != 0 assert colors.ndim >= 2 colors.shape = -1, colors.shape[-1] self._colors = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) self._name = None self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def getNormalization(self): """Return the normalization of the colormap ('log' or 'linear') :return: the normalization of the colormap :rtype: str """ return self._normalization
[docs] def setNormalization(self, norm): """Set the norm ('log', 'linear') :param str norm: the norm to set """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') self._normalization = str(norm) self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def isAutoscale(self): """Return True if both min and max are in autoscale mode""" return self._vmin is None and self._vmax is None
[docs] def getVMin(self): """Return the lower bound of the colormap :return: the lower bound of the colormap :rtype: float or None """ return self._vmin
[docs] def setVMin(self, vmin): """Set the minimal value of the colormap :param float vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) value) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmin is not None: if self._vmax is not None and vmin > self._vmax: err = "Can't set vmin because vmin >= vmax. " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (vmin, self._vmax) raise ValueError(err) self._vmin = vmin self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def getVMax(self): """Return the upper bounds of the colormap or None :return: the upper bounds of the colormap or None :rtype: float or None """ return self._vmax
[docs] def setVMax(self, vmax): """Set the maximal value of the colormap :param float vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmax is not None: if self._vmin is not None and vmax < self._vmin: err = "Can't set vmax because vmax <= vmin. " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (self._vmin, vmax) raise ValueError(err) self._vmax = vmax self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def isEditable(self): """ Return if the colormap is editable or not :return: editable state of the colormap :rtype: bool """ return self._editable
[docs] def setEditable(self, editable): """ Set the editable state of the colormap :param bool editable: is the colormap editable """ assert type(editable) is bool self._editable = editable self.sigChanged.emit()
[docs] def getColormapRange(self, data=None): """Return (vmin, vmax) :return: the tuple vmin, vmax fitting vmin, vmax, normalization and data if any given :rtype: tuple """ vmin = self._vmin vmax = self._vmax assert vmin is None or vmax is None or vmin <= vmax # TODO handle this in setters if self.getNormalization() == self.LOGARITHM: # Handle negative bounds as autoscale if vmin is not None and (vmin is not None and vmin <= 0.): mess = 'negative vmin, moving to autoscale for lower bound' _logger.warning(mess) vmin = None if vmax is not None and (vmax is not None and vmax <= 0.): mess = 'negative vmax, moving to autoscale for upper bound' _logger.warning(mess) vmax = None if vmin is None or vmax is None: # Handle autoscale # Get min/max from data if data is not None: data = numpy.array(data, copy=False) if data.size == 0: # Fallback an array but no data min_, max_ = self._getDefaultMin(), self._getDefaultMax() else: if self.getNormalization() == self.LOGARITHM: result = min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True) min_ = result.min_positive # >0 or None max_ = result.maximum # can be <= 0 else: min_, max_ = min_max(data, min_positive=False, finite=True) # Handle fallback if min_ is None or not numpy.isfinite(min_): min_ = self._getDefaultMin() if max_ is None or not numpy.isfinite(max_): max_ = self._getDefaultMax() else: # Fallback if no data is provided min_, max_ = self._getDefaultMin(), self._getDefaultMax() if vmin is None: # Set vmin respecting provided vmax vmin = min_ if vmax is None else min(min_, vmax) if vmax is None: vmax = max(max_, vmin) # Handle max_ <= 0 for log scale return vmin, vmax
[docs] def setVRange(self, vmin, vmax): """Set the bounds of the colormap :param vmin: Lower bound of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) :param vmax: Upper bounds of the colormap or None for autoscale (default) """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') if vmin is not None and vmax is not None: if vmin > vmax: err = "Can't set vmin and vmax because vmin >= vmax " \ "vmin = %s, vmax = %s" % (vmin, vmax) raise ValueError(err) if self._vmin == vmin and self._vmax == vmax: return self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self.sigChanged.emit()
def __getitem__(self, item): if item == 'autoscale': return self.isAutoscale() elif item == 'name': return self.getName() elif item == 'normalization': return self.getNormalization() elif item == 'vmin': return self.getVMin() elif item == 'vmax': return self.getVMax() elif item == 'colors': return self.getColormapLUT() else: raise KeyError(item) def _toDict(self): """Return the equivalent colormap as a dictionary (old colormap representation) :return: the representation of the Colormap as a dictionary :rtype: dict """ return { 'name': self._name, 'colors': self.getColormapLUT(), 'vmin': self._vmin, 'vmax': self._vmax, 'autoscale': self.isAutoscale(), 'normalization': self._normalization } def _setFromDict(self, dic): """Set values to the colormap from a dictionary :param dict dic: the colormap as a dictionary """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') name = dic['name'] if 'name' in dic else None colors = dic['colors'] if 'colors' in dic else None if name is not None and colors is not None: if isinstance(colors, int): # Filter out argument which was supported but never used"Unused 'colors' from colormap dictionary filterer.") colors = None vmin = dic['vmin'] if 'vmin' in dic else None vmax = dic['vmax'] if 'vmax' in dic else None if 'normalization' in dic: normalization = dic['normalization'] else: warn = 'Normalization not given in the dictionary, ' warn += 'set by default to ' + Colormap.LINEAR _logger.warning(warn) normalization = Colormap.LINEAR if name is None and colors is None: err = 'The colormap should have a name defined or a tuple of colors' raise ValueError(err) if normalization not in Colormap.NORMALIZATIONS: err = 'Given normalization is not recoginized (%s)' % normalization raise ValueError(err) # If autoscale, then set boundaries to None if dic.get('autoscale', False): vmin, vmax = None, None if name is not None: self.setName(name) else: self.setColormapLUT(colors) self._vmin = vmin self._vmax = vmax self._autoscale = True if (vmin is None and vmax is None) else False self._normalization = normalization self.sigChanged.emit() @staticmethod def _fromDict(dic): colormap = Colormap() colormap._setFromDict(dic) return colormap
[docs] def copy(self): """Return a copy of the Colormap. :rtype: silx.gui.colors.Colormap """ return Colormap(name=self._name, colors=self.getColormapLUT(), vmin=self._vmin, vmax=self._vmax, normalization=self._normalization)
[docs] def applyToData(self, data): """Apply the colormap to the data :param numpy.ndarray data: The data to convert. """ vmin, vmax = self.getColormapRange(data) normalization = self.getNormalization() return _cmap(data, self._colors, vmin, vmax, normalization)
[docs] @staticmethod def getSupportedColormaps(): """Get the supported colormap names as a tuple of str. The list should at least contain and start by: ('gray', 'reversed gray', 'temperature', 'red', 'green', 'blue', 'viridis', 'magma', 'inferno', 'plasma') :rtype: tuple """ colormaps = set() if _matplotlib_cm is not None: colormaps.update(_matplotlib_cm.cmap_d.keys()) colormaps.update(_AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) colormaps = tuple(cmap for cmap in sorted(colormaps) if cmap not in _AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) return tuple(_AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys()) + colormaps
def __str__(self): return str(self._toDict()) def _getDefaultMin(self): return DEFAULT_MIN_LIN if self._normalization == Colormap.LINEAR else DEFAULT_MIN_LOG def _getDefaultMax(self): return DEFAULT_MAX_LIN if self._normalization == Colormap.LINEAR else DEFAULT_MAX_LOG def __eq__(self, other): """Compare colormap values and not pointers""" if other is None: return False if not isinstance(other, Colormap): return False return (self.getName() == other.getName() and self.getNormalization() == other.getNormalization() and self.getVMin() == other.getVMin() and self.getVMax() == other.getVMax() and numpy.array_equal(self.getColormapLUT(), other.getColormapLUT()) ) _SERIAL_VERSION = 1
[docs] def restoreState(self, byteArray): """ Read the colormap state from a QByteArray. :param qt.QByteArray byteArray: Stream containing the state :return: True if the restoration sussseed :rtype: bool """ if self.isEditable() is False: raise NotEditableError('Colormap is not editable') stream = qt.QDataStream(byteArray, qt.QIODevice.ReadOnly) className = stream.readQString() if className != self.__class__.__name__: _logger.warning("Classname mismatch. Found %s." % className) return False version = stream.readUInt32() if version != self._SERIAL_VERSION: _logger.warning("Serial version mismatch. Found %d." % version) return False name = stream.readQString() isNull = stream.readBool() if not isNull: vmin = stream.readQVariant() else: vmin = None isNull = stream.readBool() if not isNull: vmax = stream.readQVariant() else: vmax = None normalization = stream.readQString() # emit change event only once old = self.blockSignals(True) try: self.setName(name) self.setNormalization(normalization) self.setVRange(vmin, vmax) finally: self.blockSignals(old) self.sigChanged.emit() return True
[docs] def saveState(self): """ Save state of the colomap into a QDataStream. :rtype: qt.QByteArray """ data = qt.QByteArray() stream = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.QIODevice.WriteOnly) stream.writeQString(self.__class__.__name__) stream.writeUInt32(self._SERIAL_VERSION) stream.writeQString(self.getName()) stream.writeBool(self.getVMin() is None) if self.getVMin() is not None: stream.writeQVariant(self.getVMin()) stream.writeBool(self.getVMax() is None) if self.getVMax() is not None: stream.writeQVariant(self.getVMax()) stream.writeQString(self.getNormalization()) return data
_PREFERRED_COLORMAPS = None """ Tuple of preferred colormap names accessed with :meth:`preferredColormaps`. """
[docs]def preferredColormaps(): """Returns the name of the preferred colormaps. This list is used by widgets allowing to change the colormap like the :class:`ColormapDialog` as a subset of colormap choices. :rtype: tuple of str """ global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS if _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS is None: # Initialize preferred colormaps default_preferred = [k for k in _AVAILABLE_LUTS.keys() if _AVAILABLE_LUTS[k].preferred] setPreferredColormaps(default_preferred) return tuple(_PREFERRED_COLORMAPS)
[docs]def setPreferredColormaps(colormaps): """Set the list of preferred colormap names. Warning: If a colormap name is not available it will be removed from the list. :param colormaps: Not empty list of colormap names :type colormaps: iterable of str :raise ValueError: if the list of available preferred colormaps is empty. """ supportedColormaps = Colormap.getSupportedColormaps() colormaps = [cmap for cmap in colormaps if cmap in supportedColormaps] if len(colormaps) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot set preferred colormaps to an empty list") global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS = colormaps
[docs]def registerLUT(name, colors, cursor_color='black', preferred=True): """Register a custom LUT to be used with `Colormap` objects. It can override existing LUT names. :param str name: Name of the LUT as defined to configure colormaps :param numpy.ndarray colors: The custom LUT to register. Nx3 or Nx4 numpy array of RGB(A) colors, either uint8 or float in [0, 1]. :param bool preferred: If true, this LUT will be displayed as part of the preferred colormaps in dialogs. :param str cursor_color: Color used to display overlay over images using colormap with this LUT. """ description = _LUT_DESCRIPTION('user', cursor_color, preferred=preferred) colors = _arrayToRgba8888(colors) _AVAILABLE_LUTS[name] = description if preferred: # Invalidate the preferred cache global _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS if _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS is not None: if name not in _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS: _PREFERRED_COLORMAPS.append(name) else: # The cache is not yet loaded, it's fine pass # Register the cache as the LUT was already loaded _COLORMAP_CACHE[name] = colors