The silx.gui.plot3d package provides 3D visualisation widgets. This package is structured as follows.
Widgets are available as modules of the silx.gui.plot3d packages.
The Plot3DWidget module provides the OpenGL canvas where the scene is rendered. The Plot3DWindow module provides a QMainWindow with a Plot3DWindow as its central widget and toolbars: ViewpointToolBar and Plot3DToolBar. QAction that can be associated with a Plot3DWidget are defined in the Plot3DActions module. Those actions are used by the Plot3DToolBar toolbar.
The ScalarFieldView module defines the ScalarFieldView widget that displays iso-surfaces of a 3D scalar data set and the associated classes. The SFViewParamTree module defines a SFViewParamTree.TreeView widget that can be attached to a ScalarFieldView to control the display.
This API is NOT stable. Widgets of silx.gui.plot3d are based on the following sub-packages: