: Plot primitives¶
This package provides classes that describes PlotWidget
Instances of those classes are returned by PlotWidget
methods that give
access to its content such as PlotWidget.getCurve()
, PlotWidget.getImage()
All plot primitives inherits from Item
as a common ground:
- class Item[source]¶
Description of an item of the plot
- sigItemChanged¶
Signal emitted when the item has changed.
It provides a flag describing which property of the item has changed. See
for flags description.
- getPlot()[source]¶
Returns the ~silx.gui.plot.PlotWidget this item belongs to.
- Return type
- getBounds()[source]¶
Returns the bounding box of this item in data coordinates
- Returns
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) or None
- Return type
4-tuple of float or None
- setVisible(visible)[source]¶
Set visibility of item.
- Parameters
visible (bool) – True to display it, False otherwise
- setName(name)[source]¶
Set the name of the item which is used as legend.
- Parameters
name (str) – New name of the item
- Raises
RuntimeError – If item belongs to a PlotWidget.
- getInfo(copy=True)[source]¶
Returns the info associated to this item
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True to get a deepcopy, False otherwise.
- getVisibleBounds()[source]¶
Returns visible bounds of the item bounding box in the plot area.
- Returns
(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) in data coordinates of the visible area or None if item is not visible in the plot area.
- Return type
- pick(x, y)[source]¶
Run picking test on this item
- Parameters
x (float) – The x pixel coord where to pick.
y (float) – The y pixel coord where to pick.
- Returns
None if not picked, else the picked position information
- Return type
- class Curve[source]¶
Description of a curve
- getData(copy=True, displayed=False)¶
Returns the x, y values of the curve points and xerror, yerror
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
displayed (bool) – True to only get curve points that are displayed in the plot. Default: False Note: If plot has log scale, negative points are not displayed.
- Returns
(x, y, xerror, yerror)
- Return type
4-tuple of numpy.ndarray
- getXData(copy=True)¶
Returns the x coordinates of the data points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getYData(copy=True)¶
Returns the y coordinates of the data points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getXErrorData(copy=True)¶
Returns the x error of the points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
numpy.ndarray, float or None
- getYErrorData(copy=True)¶
Returns the y error of the points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
numpy.ndarray, float or None
- getSymbol()¶
Return the point marker type.
Marker type:
- 'o' circle - '.' point - ',' pixel - '+' cross - 'x' x-cross - 'd' diamond - 's' square
- Return type
- setSymbol(symbol)¶
Set the marker type
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type or marker name
- getSymbolSize()¶
Return the point marker size in points.
- Return type
- setSymbolSize(size)¶
Set the point marker size in points.
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type
- getAlpha()¶
Returns the opacity of the item
- Return type
float in [0, 1.]
- setAlpha(alpha)¶
Set the opacity of the item
If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap is multiplied by this value.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency) and 1. (full opacity)
- getColor()¶
Returns the RGBA color of the item
- Return type
4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
- setColor(color, copy=True)¶
Set item color
- Parameters
color (str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or one of the predefined color names defined in – color(s) to be used
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- getYAxis()¶
Returns the Y axis this curve belongs to.
Either ‘left’ or ‘right’.
- Return type
- setYAxis(yaxis)¶
Set the Y axis this curve belongs to.
- Parameters
yaxis (str) – ‘left’ or ‘right’
- isFill()¶
Returns whether the item is filled or not.
- Return type
- setFill(fill)¶
Set whether to fill the item or not.
- Parameters
fill (bool) –
- getXLabel()¶
Return the X axis label associated to this curve
- Return type
str or None
- getYLabel()¶
Return the Y axis label associated to this curve
- Return type
str or None
- getLineWidth()¶
Return the curve line width in pixels
- Return type
- setLineWidth(width)¶
Set the width in pixel of the curve line
.- Parameters
width (float) – Width in pixels
- getLineStyle()¶
Return the type of the line
Type of line:
- ' ' no line - '-' solid line - '--' dashed line - '-.' dash-dot line - ':' dotted line
- Return type
- setLineStyle(style)¶
Set the style of the curve line.
.- Parameters
style (str) – Line style
- isHighlighted()¶
Returns True if curve is highlighted.
- Return type
- setHighlighted(highlighted)¶
Set the highlight state of the curve
- Parameters
highlighted (bool) –
- getHighlightedStyle()¶
Returns the highlighted style in use
- Return type
- setHighlightedStyle(style)¶
Set the style to use for highlighting
- Parameters
style (CurveStyle) – New style to use
- getCurrentStyle()[source]¶
Returns the current curve style.
Curve style depends on curve highlighting
- Return type
- setData(x, y, xerror=None, yerror=None, baseline=None, copy=True)[source]¶
Set the data of the curve.
- Parameters
x (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
y (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
xerror (A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows of same length as the data: row 0 for positive errors, row 1 for negative errors.) – Values with the uncertainties on the x values
yerror (A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.) – Values with the uncertainties on the y values.
baseline (Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]) – curve baseline
copy (bool) – True make a copy of the data (default), False to use provided arrays.
- class CurveStyle(color=None, linestyle=None, linewidth=None, symbol=None, symbolsize=None)[source]¶
Object storing the style of a curve.
Set a value to None to use the default
- Parameters
color – Color
linestyle (Union[str,None]) – Style of the line
linewidth (Union[float,None]) – Width of the line
symbol (Union[str,None]) – Symbol for markers
symbolsize (Union[float,None]) – Size of the markers
- getColor(copy=True)[source]¶
Returns the color or None if not set.
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True to get a copy (default), False to get internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getLineStyle()[source]¶
Return the type of the line or None if not set.
Type of line:
- ' ' no line - '-' solid line - '--' dashed line - '-.' dash-dot line - ':' dotted line
- Return type
- getLineWidth()[source]¶
Return the curve line width in pixels or None if not set.
- Return type
- class ImageData[source]¶
Description of a data image with a colormap
- getRgbaImageData(copy=True)[source]¶
Get the displayed RGB(A) image
- Returns
Array of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
- Return type
- getAlternativeImageData(copy=True)[source]¶
Get the optional RGBA image that is displayed instead of the data
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getData(copy=True)¶
Returns the image data
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getOrigin()¶
Returns the offset from origin at which to display the image.
- Return type
2-tuple of float
- setOrigin(origin)¶
Set the offset from origin at which to display the image.
- Parameters
origin (float or 2-tuple of float) – (ox, oy) Offset from origin
- getScale()¶
Returns the scale of the image in data coordinates.
- Return type
2-tuple of float
- setScale(scale)¶
Set the scale of the image
- Parameters
scale (float or 2-tuple of float) – (sx, sy) Scale of the image
- isDraggable()¶
Returns true if image is draggable
- Return type
- getAlpha()¶
Returns the opacity of the item
- Return type
float in [0, 1.]
- setAlpha(alpha)¶
Set the opacity of the item
If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap is multiplied by this value.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency) and 1. (full opacity)
- getColormap()¶
Return the used colormap
- setColormap(colormap)¶
Set the colormap of this item
- Parameters
colormap (silx.gui.colors.Colormap) – colormap description
- class ImageRgba[source]¶
Description of an RGB(A) image
- getRgbaImageData(copy=True)[source]¶
Get the displayed RGB(A) image
- Returns
numpy.ndarray of uint8 of shape (height, width, 4)
- getData(copy=True)¶
Returns the image data
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getOrigin()¶
Returns the offset from origin at which to display the image.
- Return type
2-tuple of float
- setOrigin(origin)¶
Set the offset from origin at which to display the image.
- Parameters
origin (float or 2-tuple of float) – (ox, oy) Offset from origin
- getScale()¶
Returns the scale of the image in data coordinates.
- Return type
2-tuple of float
- setScale(scale)¶
Set the scale of the image
- Parameters
scale (float or 2-tuple of float) – (sx, sy) Scale of the image
- isDraggable()¶
Returns true if image is draggable
- Return type
- getAlpha()¶
Returns the opacity of the item
- Return type
float in [0, 1.]
- setAlpha(alpha)¶
Set the opacity of the item
If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap is multiplied by this value.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency) and 1. (full opacity)
- class Scatter[source]¶
Description of a scatter
- getValueData(copy=True)[source]¶
Returns the value assigned to the scatter data points.
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getData(copy=True, displayed=False)[source]¶
Returns the x, y coordinates and the value of the data points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
displayed (bool) – True to only get curve points that are displayed in the plot. Default: False. Note: If plot has log scale, negative points are not displayed.
- Returns
(x, y, value, xerror, yerror)
- Return type
5-tuple of numpy.ndarray
- getXData(copy=True)¶
Returns the x coordinates of the data points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getYData(copy=True)¶
Returns the y coordinates of the data points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
- getXErrorData(copy=True)¶
Returns the x error of the points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
numpy.ndarray, float or None
- getYErrorData(copy=True)¶
Returns the y error of the points
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Return type
numpy.ndarray, float or None
- getSymbol()¶
Return the point marker type.
Marker type:
- 'o' circle - '.' point - ',' pixel - '+' cross - 'x' x-cross - 'd' diamond - 's' square
- Return type
- setSymbol(symbol)¶
Set the marker type
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type or marker name
- getSymbolSize()¶
Return the point marker size in points.
- Return type
- setSymbolSize(size)¶
Set the point marker size in points.
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type
- getAlpha()¶
Returns the opacity of the item
- Return type
float in [0, 1.]
- setAlpha(alpha)¶
Set the opacity of the item
If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap is multiplied by this value.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency) and 1. (full opacity)
- getColormap()¶
Return the used colormap
- setColormap(colormap)¶
Set the colormap of this item
- Parameters
colormap (silx.gui.colors.Colormap) – colormap description
- setData(x, y, value, xerror=None, yerror=None, alpha=None, copy=True)[source]¶
Set the data of the scatter.
- Parameters
x (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the x coordinates.
y (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the y coordinates.
value (numpy.ndarray) – The data corresponding to the value of the data points.
xerror (A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. If it is an array, it can either be a 1D array of same length as the data or a 2D array with 2 rows of same length as the data: row 0 for lower errors, row 1 for upper errors.) – Values with the uncertainties on the x values
yerror (A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32. See xerror.) – Values with the uncertainties on the y values
alpha (A float, or a numpy.ndarray of float32) – Values with the transparency (between 0 and 1)
copy (bool) – True make a copy of the data (default), False to use provided arrays.
- class Histogram[source]¶
Description of an histogram
- getValueData(copy=True)[source]¶
The values of the histogram
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Returns
The values of the histogram
- Return type
- getBinEdgesData(copy=True)[source]¶
The bin edges of the histogram (number of histogram values + 1)
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Returns
The bin edges of the histogram
- Return type
- getData(copy=True)[source]¶
Return the histogram values, bin edges and baseline
- Parameters
copy – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Returns
(N histogram value, N+1 bin edges)
- Return type
2-tuple of numpy.nadarray
- getAlpha()¶
Returns the opacity of the item
- Return type
float in [0, 1.]
- setAlpha(alpha)¶
Set the opacity of the item
If the colormap already has some transparency, this alpha adds additional transparency. The alpha channel of the colormap is multiplied by this value.
- Parameters
alpha (float) – Opacity of the item, between 0 (full transparency) and 1. (full opacity)
- getColor()¶
Returns the RGBA color of the item
- Return type
4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
- setColor(color, copy=True)¶
Set item color
- Parameters
color (str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or one of the predefined color names defined in – color(s) to be used
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- getYAxis()¶
Returns the Y axis this curve belongs to.
Either ‘left’ or ‘right’.
- Return type
- setYAxis(yaxis)¶
Set the Y axis this curve belongs to.
- Parameters
yaxis (str) – ‘left’ or ‘right’
- isFill()¶
Returns whether the item is filled or not.
- Return type
- setFill(fill)¶
Set whether to fill the item or not.
- Parameters
fill (bool) –
- getLineWidth()¶
Return the curve line width in pixels
- Return type
- setLineWidth(width)¶
Set the width in pixel of the curve line
.- Parameters
width (float) – Width in pixels
- getLineStyle()¶
Return the type of the line
Type of line:
- ' ' no line - '-' solid line - '--' dashed line - '-.' dash-dot line - ':' dotted line
- Return type
- setLineStyle(style)¶
Set the style of the curve line.
.- Parameters
style (str) – Line style
- setData(histogram, edges, align='center', baseline=None, copy=True)[source]¶
Set the histogram values and bin edges.
- Parameters
histogram (numpy.ndarray) – The values of the histogram.
edges (numpy.ndarray) – The bin edges of the histogram. If histogram and edges have the same length, the bin edges are computed according to the align parameter.
align (str) – In case histogram values and edges have the same length N, the N+1 bin edges are computed according to the alignment in: ‘center’ (default), ‘left’, ‘right’.
baseline (Union[None,float,numpy.ndarray]) – histogram baseline
copy (bool) – True make a copy of the data (default), False to use provided arrays.
- class Marker[source]¶
Description of a marker
- getText()¶
Returns marker text.
- Return type
- setText(text)¶
Set the text of the marker.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text to use
- getXPosition()¶
Returns the X position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getYPosition()¶
Returns the Y position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getPosition()¶
Returns the (x, y) position of the marker in data coordinates
- Return type
2-tuple of float or None
- setPosition(x, y)¶
Set marker position in data coordinates
Constraint are applied if any.
- Parameters
x (float) – X coordinates in data frame
y (float) – Y coordinates in data frame
- getConstraint()¶
Returns the dragging constraint of this item
- getSymbol()¶
Return the point marker type.
Marker type:
- 'o' circle - '.' point - ',' pixel - '+' cross - 'x' x-cross - 'd' diamond - 's' square
- Return type
- setSymbol(symbol)¶
Set the marker type
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type or marker name
- getSymbolSize()¶
Return the point marker size in points.
- Return type
- setSymbolSize(size)¶
Set the point marker size in points.
.- Parameters
symbol (str) – Marker type
- class XMarker[source]¶
Description of a marker
- setPosition(x, y)[source]¶
Set marker line position in data coordinates
Constraint are applied if any.
- Parameters
x (float) – X coordinates in data frame
y (float) – Y coordinates in data frame
- getText()¶
Returns marker text.
- Return type
- setText(text)¶
Set the text of the marker.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text to use
- getXPosition()¶
Returns the X position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getYPosition()¶
Returns the Y position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getPosition()¶
Returns the (x, y) position of the marker in data coordinates
- Return type
2-tuple of float or None
- getConstraint()¶
Returns the dragging constraint of this item
- class YMarker[source]¶
Description of a marker
- getText()¶
Returns marker text.
- Return type
- setText(text)¶
Set the text of the marker.
- Parameters
text (str) – The text to use
- getXPosition()¶
Returns the X position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getYPosition()¶
Returns the Y position of the marker line in data coordinates
- Return type
float or None
- getPosition()¶
Returns the (x, y) position of the marker in data coordinates
- Return type
2-tuple of float or None
- getConstraint()¶
Returns the dragging constraint of this item
- class Shape(type_)[source]¶
Description of a shape item
- Parameters
type (str) – The type of shape in: ‘hline’, ‘polygon’, ‘rectangle’, ‘vline’, ‘polylines’
- getType()[source]¶
Returns the type of shape to draw.
One of: ‘hline’, ‘polygon’, ‘rectangle’, ‘vline’, ‘polylines’
- Return type
- getPoints(copy=True)[source]¶
Get the control points of the shape.
- Parameters
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Returns
Array of point coordinates
- Return type
numpy.ndarray with 2 dimensions
- setPoints(points, copy=True)[source]¶
Set the point coordinates
- Parameters
points (numpy.ndarray) – Array of point coordinates
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- Returns
- setOverlay(overlay)¶
Set the overlay state of the shape
- Parameters
overlay (
) – True to make it an overlay
- getColor()¶
Returns the RGBA color of the item
- Return type
4-tuple of float in [0, 1] or array of colors
- setColor(color, copy=True)¶
Set item color
- Parameters
color (str ("#RRGGBB") or (npoints, 4) unsigned byte array or one of the predefined color names defined in – color(s) to be used
copy (bool) – True (Default) to get a copy, False to use internal representation (do not modify!)
- isFill()¶
Returns whether the item is filled or not.
- Return type
- setFill(fill)¶
Set whether to fill the item or not.
- Parameters
fill (bool) –
Item changed signal¶
Plot items emit a Item.sigItemChanged
signal when their values are updated.
This signal provides a flag in the following enumeration describing the modified value:
- class ItemChangedType(value)[source]¶
Type of modification provided by
signal.- VISIBLE = 'visibleChanged'¶
Item’s visibility changed flag.
- ZVALUE = 'zValueChanged'¶
Item’s Z value changed flag.
- COLORMAP = 'colormapChanged'¶
Item’s colormap changed flag.
This is emitted both when setting a new colormap and when the current colormap object is updated.
- SYMBOL = 'symbolChanged'¶
Item’s symbol changed flag.
- SYMBOL_SIZE = 'symbolSizeChanged'¶
Item’s symbol size changed flag.
- LINE_WIDTH = 'lineWidthChanged'¶
Item’s line width changed flag.
- LINE_STYLE = 'lineStyleChanged'¶
Item’s line style changed flag.
- COLOR = 'colorChanged'¶
Item’s color changed flag.
- LINE_BG_COLOR = 'lineBgColorChanged'¶
Item’s line background color changed flag.
- YAXIS = 'yAxisChanged'¶
Item’s Y axis binding changed flag.
- FILL = 'fillChanged'¶
Item’s fill changed flag.
- ALPHA = 'alphaChanged'¶
Item’s transparency alpha changed flag.
- DATA = 'dataChanged'¶
Item’s data changed flag
- MASK = 'maskChanged'¶
Item’s mask changed flag
- HIGHLIGHTED = 'highlightedChanged'¶
Item’s highlight state changed flag.
- HIGHLIGHTED_COLOR = 'highlightedColorChanged'¶
Deprecated, use HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE instead.
- HIGHLIGHTED_STYLE = 'highlightedStyleChanged'¶
Item’s highlighted style changed flag.
- SCALE = 'scaleChanged'¶
Item’s scale changed flag.
- TEXT = 'textChanged'¶
Item’s text changed flag.
- POSITION = 'positionChanged'¶
Item’s position changed flag.
This is emitted when a marker position changed and when an image origin changed.
- OVERLAY = 'overlayChanged'¶
Item’s overlay state changed flag.
- VISUALIZATION_MODE = 'visualizationModeChanged'¶
Item’s visualization mode changed flag.
- COMPLEX_MODE = 'complexModeChanged'¶
Item’s complex data visualization mode changed flag.
- NAME = 'nameChanged'¶
Item’s name changed flag.
- EDITABLE = 'editableChanged'¶
Item’s editable state changed flags.
- SELECTABLE = 'selectableChanged'¶
Item’s selectable state changed flags.
- class Axis(plot)[source]¶
This class describes and controls a plot axis.
Note: This is an abstract class.
- LINEAR = 'linear'¶
Constant defining a linear scale
- LOGARITHMIC = 'log'¶
Constant defining a logarithmic scale
- sigInvertedChanged¶
Signal emitted when axis orientation has changed
- sigScaleChanged¶
Signal emitted when axis scale has changed
- sigAutoScaleChanged¶
Signal emitted when axis autoscale has changed
- sigLimitsChanged¶
Signal emitted when axis limits have changed
- getLimits()[source]¶
Get the limits of this axis.
- Returns
Minimum and maximum values of this axis as tuple
- setLimits(vmin, vmax)[source]¶
Set this axis limits.
- Parameters
vmin (float) – minimum axis value
vmax (float) – maximum axis value
- isInverted()[source]¶
Return True if the axis is inverted (top to bottom for the y-axis), False otherwise. It is always False for the X axis.
- Return type
- setInverted(isInverted)[source]¶
Set the axis orientation.
This is only available for the Y axis.
- Parameters
flag (bool) – True for Y axis going from top to bottom, False for Y axis going from bottom to top
- getLabel()[source]¶
Return the current displayed label of this axis.
- Parameters
axis (str) – The Y axis for which to get the label (left or right)
- Return type
- setLabel(label)[source]¶
Set the label displayed on the plot for this axis.
The provided label can be temporarily replaced by the label of the active curve if any.
- Parameters
label (str) – The axis label
- setScale(scale)[source]¶
Set the scale to be used by this axis.
- Parameters
scale (str) – Name of the scale (“log”, or “linear”)
- getTimeZone()[source]¶
Sets tzinfo that is used if this axis plots date times.
None means the datetimes are interpreted as local time.
- Return type
datetime.tzinfo of None.
- setTimeZone(tz)[source]¶
Sets tzinfo that is used if this axis’ tickMode is TIME_SERIES
The tz must be a descendant of the datetime.tzinfo class, “UTC” or None. Use None to let the datetimes be interpreted as local time. Use the string “UTC” to let the date datetimes be in UTC time.
- Parameters
tz – datetime.tzinfo, “UTC” or None.
- setTickMode(tickMode)[source]¶
Determines if axis ticks are number or datetimes.
- Parameters
tickMode (TickMode) – tick mode enum.
- setAutoScale(flag=True)[source]¶
Set the axis limits adjusting behavior of
.- Parameters
flag (bool) – True to resize limits automatically, False to disable it.
- setLimitsConstraints(minPos=None, maxPos=None)[source]¶
Set a constraint on the position of the axes.
- Parameters
minPos (float) – Minimum allowed axis value.
maxPos (float) – Maximum allowed axis value.
- Returns
True if the constaints was updated
- Return type
- setRangeConstraints(minRange=None, maxRange=None)[source]¶
Set a constraint on the position of the axes.
- Parameters
minRange (float) – Minimum allowed left-to-right span across the view
maxRange (float) – Maximum allowed left-to-right span across the view
- Returns
True if the constaints was updated
- Return type
: Regions of Interest¶
This module provides ROI item for the PlotWidget

- class PointROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a point in a 2D plot.
- ICON = 'add-shape-point'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'point markers'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'point'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- class CrossROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a point in a 2D plot and displayed as a cross
- ICON = 'add-shape-cross'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'cross marker'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'cross'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- class LineROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a line in a 2D plot.
This ROI provides 1 anchor for each boundary of the line, plus an center in the center to translate the full ROI.
- ICON = 'add-shape-diagonal'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'line ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'line'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- setEndPoints(startPoint, endPoint)[source]¶
Set this line location using the ending points
- Parameters
startPoint (numpy.ndarray) – Staring bounding point of the line
endPoint (numpy.ndarray) – Ending bounding point of the line
- getEndPoints()[source]¶
Returns bounding points of this ROI.
- Return type
- class HorizontalLineROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying an horizontal line in a 2D plot.
- ICON = 'add-shape-horizontal'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'horizontal line ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'hline'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- class VerticalLineROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a vertical line in a 2D plot.
- ICON = 'add-shape-vertical'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'vertical line ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'vline'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- class RectangleROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a rectangle in a 2D plot.
This ROI provides 1 anchor for each corner, plus an anchor in the center to translate the full ROI.
- ICON = 'add-shape-rectangle'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'rectangle ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'rectangle'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- getCenter()[source]¶
Returns the central point of this rectangle
- Return type
- getOrigin()[source]¶
Returns the corner point with the smaller coordinates
- Return type
- setOrigin(position)[source]¶
Set the origin position of this ROI
- Parameters
position (numpy.ndarray) – Location of the smaller corner of the ROI
- setSize(size)[source]¶
Set the size of this ROI
- Parameters
size (numpy.ndarray) – Size of the center of the ROI
- setCenter(position)[source]¶
Set the size of this ROI
- Parameters
position (numpy.ndarray) – Location of the center of the ROI
- class CircleROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a circle in a 2D plot.
This ROI provides 1 anchor at the center to translate the circle, and one anchor on the perimeter to change the radius.
- ICON = 'add-shape-circle'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'circle ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'circle'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- getCenter()[source]¶
Returns the central point of this rectangle
- Return type
- setCenter(position)[source]¶
Set the center point of this ROI
- Parameters
position (numpy.ndarray) – Location of the center of the circle
- class EllipseROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying an oriented ellipse in a 2D plot.
This ROI provides 1 anchor at the center to translate the circle, and two anchors on the perimeter to modify the major-radius and minor-radius. These two anchors also allow to change the orientation.
- ICON = 'add-shape-ellipse'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'ellipse ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'ellipse'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- getCenter()[source]¶
Returns the central point of this rectangle
- Return type
- getOrientation()[source]¶
Return angle in radians between the horizontal (X) axis and the major axis of the ellipse in [0, 2*pi[
- Return type
- setCenter(center)[source]¶
Set the center point of this ROI
- Parameters
position (numpy.ndarray) – Coordinates (X, Y) of the center of the ellipse
- setMajorRadius(radius)[source]¶
Set the half-diameter of the major axis of the ellipse.
- Parameters
radius (float) – Major radius of the ellipsis. Must be a positive value.
- setMinorRadius(radius)[source]¶
Set the half-diameter of the minor axis of the ellipse.
- Parameters
radius (float) – Minor radius of the ellipsis. Must be a positive value.
- setOrientation(orientation)[source]¶
Rotate the ellipse
- Parameters
orientation (float) – Angle in radians between the horizontal and the major axis.
- Returns
- setGeometry(center=None, radius=None, orientation=None)[source]¶
- Parameters
center – (X, Y) coordinates
majorRadius (float) –
minorRadius (float) –
orientation (float) – angle in radians between the major axis and the horizontal
- Returns
- class PolygonROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying a closed polygon in a 2D plot.
This ROI provides 1 anchor for each point of the polygon.
- ICON = 'add-shape-polygon'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'polygon ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'polygon'¶
Metadata for this kind of ROI
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.
- setPoints(points)[source]¶
Set the position of this ROI
- Parameters
pos (numpy.ndarray) – 2d-coordinate of this point
- class HorizontalRangeROI(parent=None)[source]¶
A ROI identifying an horizontal range in a 1D plot.
- ICON = 'add-range-horizontal'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- NAME = 'horizontal range ROI'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- SHORT_NAME = 'hrange'¶
Metadata to describe the ROI in labels, tooltips and widgets
Should be set by inherited classes to custom the ROI manager widget.
- setFirstShapePoints(points)[source]¶
“Initialize the ROI using the points from the first interaction.
This interaction is constrained by the plot API and only supports few shapes.