Source code for silx.gui.plot3d.items.volume

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"""This module provides 3D array item class and its sub-items.

__authors__ = ["T. Vincent"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "24/04/2018"

import logging
import time
import numpy

from silx._utils import NP_OPTIONAL_COPY
from silx.math.combo import min_max
from silx.math.marchingcubes import MarchingCubes
from silx.math.interpolate import interp3d

from ....utils.proxy import docstring
from ... import _glutils as glu
from ... import qt
from ...colors import rgba

from ..scene import cutplane, function, primitives, transform, utils

from .core import BaseNodeItem, Item3D, ItemChangedType, Item3DChangedType
from .mixins import ColormapMixIn, ComplexMixIn, InterpolationMixIn, PlaneMixIn
from ._pick import PickingResult

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class CutPlane(Item3D, ColormapMixIn, InterpolationMixIn, PlaneMixIn): """Class representing a cutting plane in a :class:`ScalarField3D` item. :param parent: 3D Data set in which the cut plane is applied. """ def __init__(self, parent): Item3D.__init__(self, parent=None) ColormapMixIn.__init__(self) InterpolationMixIn.__init__(self) PlaneMixIn.__init__(self) plane = cutplane.CutPlane(normal=(0, 1, 0)) self._setPlane(plane) self._dataRange = None self._data = None self._getScenePrimitive().children = [plane] # Connect scene primitive to mix-in class ColormapMixIn._setSceneColormap(self, plane.colormap) InterpolationMixIn._setPrimitive(self, plane) self.setParent(parent) def _updateData(self, data, range_): """Update used dataset No copy is made. :param Union[numpy.ndarray[float],None] data: The dataset :param Union[List[float],None] range_: (min, min positive, max) values """ self._data = None if data is None else numpy.asarray(data) self._getPlane().setData(self._data, copy=False) # Store data range info as 3-tuple of values self._dataRange = range_ if range_ is None: range_ = None, None, None self._setColormappedData( self._data, copy=False, min_=range_[0], minPositive=range_[1], max_=range_[2], ) self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA) def _syncDataWithParent(self): """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent""" parent = self.parent() if parent is None: data, range_ = None, None else: data = parent.getData(copy=False) range_ = parent.getDataRange() self._updateData(data, range_) def _parentChanged(self, event): """Handle data change in the parent this plane belongs to""" if event == ItemChangedType.DATA: self._syncDataWithParent() def setParent(self, parent): oldParent = self.parent() if isinstance(oldParent, Item3D): oldParent.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._parentChanged) super(CutPlane, self).setParent(parent) if isinstance(parent, Item3D): parent.sigItemChanged.connect(self._parentChanged) self._syncDataWithParent() # Colormap
[docs] def getDisplayValuesBelowMin(self): """Return whether values <= colormap min are displayed or not. :rtype: bool """ return self._getPlane().colormap.displayValuesBelowMin
[docs] def setDisplayValuesBelowMin(self, display): """Set whether to display values <= colormap min. :param bool display: True to show values below min, False to discard them """ display = bool(display) if display != self.getDisplayValuesBelowMin(): self._getPlane().colormap.displayValuesBelowMin = display self._updated(ItemChangedType.ALPHA)
def getDataRange(self): """Return the range of the data as a 3-tuple of values. positive min is NaN if no data is positive. :return: (min, positive min, max) or None. :rtype: Union[List[float],None] """ return None if self._dataRange is None else tuple(self._dataRange) def getData(self, copy=True): """Return 3D dataset. :param bool copy: True (default) to get a copy, False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!) :return: The data set (or None if not set) """ if self._data is None: return None else: return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy or NP_OPTIONAL_COPY) def _pickFull(self, context): """Perform picking in this item at given widget position. :param PickContext context: Current picking context :return: Object holding the results or None :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult] """ rayObject = context.getPickingSegment(frame=self._getScenePrimitive()) if rayObject is None: return None points = utils.segmentPlaneIntersect( rayObject[0, :3], rayObject[1, :3], planeNorm=self.getNormal(), planePt=self.getPoint(), ) if len(points) == 1: # Single intersection if numpy.any(points[0] < 0.0): return None # Outside volume z, y, x = int(points[0][2]), int(points[0][1]), int(points[0][0]) data = self.getData(copy=False) if data is None: return None # No dataset depth, height, width = data.shape if z < depth and y < height and x < width: return PickingResult( self, positions=[points[0]], indices=([z], [y], [x]) ) else: return None # Outside image else: # Either no intersection or segment and image are coplanar return None
[docs] class Isosurface(Item3D): """Class representing an iso-surface in a :class:`ScalarField3D` item. :param parent: The DataItem3D this iso-surface belongs to """ def __init__(self, parent): Item3D.__init__(self, parent=None) self._data = None self._level = float("nan") self._autoLevelFunction = None self._color = rgba("#FFD700FF") self.setParent(parent) def _syncDataWithParent(self): """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent""" parent = self.parent() if parent is None: self._data = None else: self._data = parent.getData(copy=False) self._updateScenePrimitive() def _parentChanged(self, event): """Handle data change in the parent this isosurface belongs to""" if event == ItemChangedType.DATA: self._syncDataWithParent()
[docs] def setParent(self, parent): oldParent = self.parent() if isinstance(oldParent, Item3D): oldParent.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._parentChanged) super(Isosurface, self).setParent(parent) if isinstance(parent, Item3D): parent.sigItemChanged.connect(self._parentChanged) self._syncDataWithParent()
[docs] def getData(self, copy=True): """Return 3D dataset. :param bool copy: True (default) to get a copy, False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!) :return: The data set (or None if not set) """ if self._data is None: return None else: return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy or NP_OPTIONAL_COPY)
[docs] def getLevel(self): """Return the level of this iso-surface (float)""" return self._level
[docs] def setLevel(self, level): """Set the value at which to build the iso-surface. Setting this value reset auto-level function :param float level: The value at which to build the iso-surface """ self._autoLevelFunction = None level = float(level) if level != self._level: self._level = level self._updateScenePrimitive() self._updated(Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL)
[docs] def isAutoLevel(self): """True if iso-level is rebuild for each data set.""" return self.getAutoLevelFunction() is not None
[docs] def getAutoLevelFunction(self): """Return the function computing the iso-level (callable or None)""" return self._autoLevelFunction
[docs] def setAutoLevelFunction(self, autoLevel): """Set the function used to compute the iso-level. WARNING: The function might get called in a thread. :param callable autoLevel: A function taking a 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 and returning a float used as iso-level. Example: numpy.mean(data) + numpy.std(data) """ assert callable(autoLevel) self._autoLevelFunction = autoLevel self._updateScenePrimitive()
[docs] def getColor(self): """Return the color of this iso-surface (QColor)""" return qt.QColor.fromRgbF(*self._color)
def _updateColor(self, color): """Handle update of color :param List[float] color: RGBA channels in [0, 1] """ primitive = self._getScenePrimitive() if len(primitive.children) != 0: primitive.children[0].setAttribute("color", color)
[docs] def setColor(self, color): """Set the color of the iso-surface :param color: RGBA color of the isosurface :type color: QColor, str or array-like of 4 float in [0., 1.] """ color = rgba(color) if color != self._color: self._color = color self._updateColor(self._color) self._updated(ItemChangedType.COLOR)
def _computeIsosurface(self): """Compute isosurface for current state. :return: (vertices, normals, indices) arrays :rtype: List[Union[None,numpy.ndarray]] """ data = self.getData(copy=False) if data is None: if self.isAutoLevel(): self._level = float("nan") else: if self.isAutoLevel(): st = time.time() try: level = float(self.getAutoLevelFunction()(data)) except Exception: module_ = self.getAutoLevelFunction().__module__ name = self.getAutoLevelFunction().__name__ _logger.error( "Error while executing iso level function %s.%s", module_, name, exc_info=True, ) level = float("nan") else:"Computed iso-level in %f s.", time.time() - st) if level != self._level: self._level = level self._updated(Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL) if numpy.isfinite(self._level): st = time.time() vertices, normals, indices = MarchingCubes(data, isolevel=self._level)"Computed iso-surface in %f s.", time.time() - st) if len(vertices) != 0: return vertices, normals, indices return None, None, None def _updateScenePrimitive(self): """Update underlying mesh""" self._getScenePrimitive().children = [] vertices, normals, indices = self._computeIsosurface() if vertices is not None: mesh = primitives.Mesh3D( vertices, colors=self._color, normals=normals, mode="triangles", indices=indices, copy=False, ) self._getScenePrimitive().children = [mesh] def _pickFull(self, context): """Perform picking in this item at given widget position. :param PickContext context: Current picking context :return: Object holding the results or None :rtype: Union[None,PickingResult] """ rayObject = context.getPickingSegment(frame=self._getScenePrimitive()) if rayObject is None: return None rayObject = rayObject[:, :3] data = self.getData(copy=False) bins = utils.segmentVolumeIntersect(rayObject, numpy.array(data.shape) - 1) if bins is None: return None # gather bin data offsets = [(i, j, k) for i in (0, 1) for j in (0, 1) for k in (0, 1)] indices = bins[:, numpy.newaxis, :] + offsets binsData = data[indices[:, :, 0], indices[:, :, 1], indices[:, :, 2]] # binsData.shape = nbins, 8 # TODO up-to this point everything can be done once for all isosurfaces # check bin candidates level = self.getLevel() mask = numpy.logical_and( numpy.nanmin(binsData, axis=1) <= level, level <= numpy.nanmax(binsData, axis=1), ) bins = bins[mask] binsData = binsData[mask] if len(bins) == 0: return None # No bin candidate # do picking on candidates intersections = [] depths = [] for currentBin, data in zip(bins, binsData): mc = MarchingCubes(data.reshape(2, 2, 2), isolevel=level) points = mc.get_vertices() + currentBin triangles = points[mc.get_indices()] t = glu.segmentTrianglesIntersection(rayObject, triangles)[1] t = numpy.unique(t) # Duplicates happen on triangle edges if len(t) != 0: # Compute intersection points and get closest data point points = t.reshape(-1, 1) * (rayObject[1] - rayObject[0]) + rayObject[0] # Get closest data points by rounding to int intersections.extend(points) depths.extend(t) if len(intersections) == 0: return None # No intersected triangles intersections = numpy.array(intersections)[numpy.argsort(depths)] indices = numpy.transpose(numpy.round(intersections).astype(numpy.int64)) return PickingResult(self, positions=intersections, indices=indices)
[docs] class ScalarField3D(BaseNodeItem): """3D scalar field on a regular grid. :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to. """ _CutPlane = CutPlane """CutPlane class associated to this class""" _Isosurface = Isosurface """Isosurface classe associated to this class""" def __init__(self, parent=None): BaseNodeItem.__init__(self, parent=parent) # Gives this item the shape of the data, no matter # of the isosurface/cut plane size self._boundedGroup = primitives.BoundedGroup() # Store iso-surfaces self._isosurfaces = [] self._data = None self._dataRange = None self._cutPlane = self._CutPlane(parent=self) self._cutPlane.setVisible(False) self._isogroup = primitives.GroupDepthOffset() self._isogroup.transforms = [ # Convert from z, y, x from marching cubes to x, y, z transform.Matrix( ( (0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), (0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0), (1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0), ) ), # Offset to match cutting plane coords transform.Translate(0.5, 0.5, 0.5), ] self._getScenePrimitive().children = [ self._boundedGroup, self._cutPlane._getScenePrimitive(), self._isogroup, ] @staticmethod def _computeRangeFromData(data): """Compute range info (min, min positive, max) from data :param Union[numpy.ndarray,None] data: :return: Union[List[float],None] """ if data is None: return None dataRange = min_max(data, min_positive=True, finite=True) if dataRange.minimum is None: # Only non-finite data return None if dataRange is not None: min_positive = dataRange.min_positive if min_positive is None: min_positive = float("nan") return dataRange.minimum, min_positive, dataRange.maximum
[docs] def setData(self, data, copy=True): """Set the 3D scalar data represented by this item. Dataset order is zyx (i.e., first dimension is z). :param data: 3D array :type data: 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 with shape at least (2, 2, 2) :param bool copy: True (default) to make a copy, False to avoid copy (DO NOT MODIFY data afterwards) """ if data is None: self._data = None self._boundedGroup.shape = None else: data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy or NP_OPTIONAL_COPY, dtype=numpy.float32, order="C") assert data.ndim == 3 assert min(data.shape) >= 2 self._data = data self._boundedGroup.shape = self._data.shape self._dataRange = self._computeRangeFromData(self._data) self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA)
[docs] def getData(self, copy=True): """Return 3D dataset. :param bool copy: True (default) to get a copy, False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!) :return: The data set (or None if not set) """ if self._data is None: return None else: return numpy.array(self._data, copy=copy or NP_OPTIONAL_COPY)
def getDataRange(self): """Return the range of the data as a 3-tuple of values. positive min is NaN if no data is positive. :return: (min, positive min, max) or None. """ return self._dataRange # Cut Plane
[docs] def getCutPlanes(self): """Return an iterable of all :class:`CutPlane` of this item. This includes hidden cut planes. For now, there is always one cut plane. """ return (self._cutPlane,)
# Handle iso-surfaces # TODO rename to sigItemAdded|Removed? sigIsosurfaceAdded = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitted when a new iso-surface is added to the view. The newly added iso-surface is provided by this signal """ sigIsosurfaceRemoved = qt.Signal(object) """Signal emitted when an iso-surface is removed from the view The removed iso-surface is provided by this signal. """
[docs] def addIsosurface(self, level, color): """Add an isosurface to this item. :param level: The value at which to build the iso-surface or a callable (e.g., a function) taking a 3D numpy.ndarray as input and returning a float. Example: numpy.mean(data) + numpy.std(data) :type level: float or callable :param color: RGBA color of the isosurface :type color: str or array-like of 4 float in [0., 1.] :return: isosurface object :rtype: ~silx.gui.plot3d.items.volume.Isosurface """ isosurface = self._Isosurface(parent=self) isosurface.setColor(color) if callable(level): isosurface.setAutoLevelFunction(level) else: isosurface.setLevel(level) isosurface.sigItemChanged.connect(self._isosurfaceItemChanged) self._isosurfaces.append(isosurface) self._updateIsosurfaces() self.sigIsosurfaceAdded.emit(isosurface) return isosurface
[docs] def getIsosurfaces(self): """Return an iterable of all :class:`.Isosurface` instance of this item""" return tuple(self._isosurfaces)
[docs] def removeIsosurface(self, isosurface): """Remove an iso-surface from this item. :param ~silx.gui.plot3d.Plot3DWidget.Isosurface isosurface: The isosurface object to remove """ if isosurface not in self.getIsosurfaces(): _logger.warning( "Try to remove isosurface that is not in the list: %s", str(isosurface) ) else: isosurface.sigItemChanged.disconnect(self._isosurfaceItemChanged) self._isosurfaces.remove(isosurface) self._updateIsosurfaces() self.sigIsosurfaceRemoved.emit(isosurface)
[docs] def clearIsosurfaces(self): """Remove all :class:`.Isosurface` instances from this item.""" for isosurface in self.getIsosurfaces(): self.removeIsosurface(isosurface)
def _isosurfaceItemChanged(self, event): """Handle update of isosurfaces upon level changed""" if event == Item3DChangedType.ISO_LEVEL: self._updateIsosurfaces() def _updateIsosurfaces(self): """Handle updates of iso-surfaces level and add/remove""" # Sorting using minus, this supposes data 'object' to be max values sortedIso = sorted( self.getIsosurfaces(), key=lambda isosurface: -isosurface.getLevel() ) self._isogroup.children = [iso._getScenePrimitive() for iso in sortedIso] # BaseNodeItem def getItems(self): """Returns the list of items currently present in this item. :rtype: tuple """ return self.getCutPlanes() + self.getIsosurfaces()
################## # ComplexField3D # ################## class ComplexCutPlane(CutPlane, ComplexMixIn): """Class representing a cutting plane in a :class:`ComplexField3D` item. :param parent: 3D Data set in which the cut plane is applied. """ def __init__(self, parent): ComplexMixIn.__init__(self) CutPlane.__init__(self, parent=parent) def _syncDataWithParent(self): """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent""" parent = self.parent() if parent is None: data, range_ = None, None else: mode = self.getComplexMode() data = parent.getData(mode=mode, copy=False) range_ = parent.getDataRange(mode=mode) self._updateData(data, range_) def _updated(self, event=None): """Handle update of the cut plane (and take care of mode change :param Union[None,ItemChangedType] event: The kind of update """ if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE: self._syncDataWithParent() super(ComplexCutPlane, self)._updated(event) class ComplexIsosurface(Isosurface, ComplexMixIn, ColormapMixIn): """Class representing an iso-surface in a :class:`ComplexField3D` item. :param parent: The DataItem3D this iso-surface belongs to """ _SUPPORTED_COMPLEX_MODES = ( ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode.NONE, ) + ComplexMixIn._SUPPORTED_COMPLEX_MODES """Overrides supported ComplexMode""" def __init__(self, parent): ComplexMixIn.__init__(self) ColormapMixIn.__init__(self, function.Colormap()) Isosurface.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.setComplexMode(self.ComplexMode.NONE) def _updateColor(self, color): """Handle update of color :param List[float] color: RGBA channels in [0, 1] """ primitive = self._getScenePrimitive() if len(primitive.children) != 0 and isinstance( primitive.children[0], primitives.ColormapMesh3D ): primitive.children[0].alpha = self._color[3] else: super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updateColor(color) def _syncDataWithParent(self): """Synchronize this instance data with that of its parent""" parent = self.parent() if parent is None: self._data = None else: self._data = parent.getData(mode=parent.getComplexMode(), copy=False) if parent is None or self.getComplexMode() == self.ComplexMode.NONE: self._setColormappedData(None, copy=False) else: self._setColormappedData( parent.getData(mode=self.getComplexMode(), copy=False), copy=False ) self._updateScenePrimitive() def _parentChanged(self, event): """Handle data change in the parent this isosurface belongs to""" if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE: self._syncDataWithParent() super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._parentChanged(event) def _updated(self, event=None): """Handle update of the isosurface (and take care of mode change) :param ItemChangedType event: The kind of update """ if event == ItemChangedType.COMPLEX_MODE: self._syncDataWithParent() elif event in (ItemChangedType.COLORMAP, Item3DChangedType.INTERPOLATION): self._updateScenePrimitive() super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updated(event) def _updateScenePrimitive(self): """Update underlying mesh""" if self.getComplexMode() == self.ComplexMode.NONE: super(ComplexIsosurface, self)._updateScenePrimitive() else: # Specific display for colormapped isosurface self._getScenePrimitive().children = [] values = self.getColormappedData(copy=False) if values is not None: vertices, normals, indices = self._computeIsosurface() if vertices is not None: values = interp3d(values, vertices, method="linear_omp") # TODO reuse isosurface when only color changes... mesh = primitives.ColormapMesh3D( vertices, value=values.reshape(-1, 1), colormap=self._getSceneColormap(), normal=normals, mode="triangles", indices=indices, copy=False, ) mesh.alpha = self._color[3] self._getScenePrimitive().children = [mesh] class ComplexField3D(ScalarField3D, ComplexMixIn): """3D complex field on a regular grid. :param parent: The View widget this item belongs to. """ _CutPlane = ComplexCutPlane _Isosurface = ComplexIsosurface def __init__(self, parent=None): self._dataRangeCache = None ComplexMixIn.__init__(self) ScalarField3D.__init__(self, parent=parent) @docstring(ComplexMixIn) def setComplexMode(self, mode): mode = ComplexMixIn.ComplexMode(mode) if mode != self.getComplexMode(): self.clearIsosurfaces() # Reset isosurfaces ComplexMixIn.setComplexMode(self, mode) def setData(self, data, copy=True): """Set the 3D complex data represented by this item. Dataset order is zyx (i.e., first dimension is z). :param data: 3D array :type data: 3D numpy.ndarray of float32 with shape at least (2, 2, 2) :param bool copy: True (default) to make a copy, False to avoid copy (DO NOT MODIFY data afterwards) """ if data is None: self._data = None self._dataRangeCache = None self._boundedGroup.shape = None else: data = numpy.array(data, copy=copy or NP_OPTIONAL_COPY, dtype=numpy.complex64, order="C") assert data.ndim == 3 assert min(data.shape) >= 2 self._data = data self._dataRangeCache = {} self._boundedGroup.shape = self._data.shape self._updated(ItemChangedType.DATA) def getData(self, copy=True, mode=None): """Return 3D dataset. This method does not cache data converted to a specific mode, it computes it for each request. :param bool copy: True (default) to get a copy, False to get the internal data (DO NOT modify!) :param Union[None,Mode] mode: The kind of data to retrieve. If None (the default), it returns the complex data, else it computes the requested scalar data. :return: The data set (or None if not set) :rtype: Union[numpy.ndarray,None] """ if mode is None: return super(ComplexField3D, self).getData(copy=copy) else: return self._convertComplexData(self._data, mode) def getDataRange(self, mode=None): """Return the range of the requested data as a 3-tuple of values. Positive min is NaN if no data is positive. :param Union[None,Mode] mode: The kind of data for which to get the range information. If None (the default), it returns the data range for the current mode, else it returns the data range for the requested mode. :return: (min, positive min, max) or None. :rtype: Union[None,List[float]] """ if self._dataRangeCache is None: return None if mode is None: mode = self.getComplexMode() if mode not in self._dataRangeCache: # Compute it and store it in cache data = self.getData(copy=False, mode=mode) self._dataRangeCache[mode] = self._computeRangeFromData(data) return self._dataRangeCache[mode]