User Guide#

The silx project aims to provide a collection of Python packages to support the development of data assessment, reduction and analysis at synchrotron radiation facilities. It intends to provide reading/writing tools for different file formats, data reduction routines and a set of Qt widgets to browse and visualise data. Silx can be cited by its DOIs referenced on Zenodo.

The current version (v2.2.0) caters for:

  • Supporting HDF5, SPEC and FabIO images file formats.

  • OpenCL-based data processing: image alignment (SIFT), image processing (median filter, histogram), filtered backprojection for tomography

  • Data reduction: histogramming, fitting, median filter

  • A set of Qt widgets, including:

    • 1D and 2D visualization widgets with a set of associated tools using multiple backends (matplotlib or OpenGL)

    • OpenGL-based widgets to visualize data in 3D (scalar field with isosurface and cut plane, scatter plot)

    • a unified browser for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats supporting inspection and visualization of n-dimensional datasets.

  • a set of applications:

    • a unified viewer (silx view filename) for HDF5, SPEC and image file formats


    • a unified converter to HDF5 format (silx convert filename)


Releases, repository, issue tracker, mailing list, …


How to install silx on Linux, Windows and MacOS X


Description of the different algorithms and their implementation

Tutorials & Sample Code

Tutorials and sample code

API Reference

Documentation of the packages included in silx


Documentation of the applications provided by silx

Widgets gallery

Widgets gallery and screenshots

Release Notes

List of changes between releases


License and copyright information

Trouble shooting

When things do not work as expected

How to contribute

How to contribute to the silx project
