Configuration file#

The configuration file describes how the dataset should be processed.

Create a configuration file#

A configuration file can be created using the following bootstrap command:


This will create a integrator.conf file with pre-filled values. Of course, you will still need to fill-in mandatory parameters.

More options are available, use integrator-config --help to see them.

Don’t copy a too-old configuration file. It’s always best to start from a fresh configuration file (integrator-config) and fill the values. What you can do for example is:

meld integrator.conf /my/old/integrator.conf
# use arrows in meld to quickly update the lines of the new "integrator.conf"

Using the configuration file#

This file is the main parameter for all integrator CLI commands, for example:

integrate-slurm integrator.conf

Notes on some parameters in the configuration file#


In the [dataset] section, the parameter location is the path to a HDF5 file (.h5). It is the path of the “Bliss master file” - this is a .h5 file alongside the scanXXXX folders.


location = /data/visitor/blc15384/id15a/20240510/Align42keV/Align42keV_0001/Align42keV_0001.h5

It can also be a list of files, with wildcars.


location = /data/id15/inhouse4/ihma109/id15/ACL9011001b/ACL9011001b_00??/ACL9011001b_00??.h5, /data/id15/inhouse4/ihma109/id15/MJ1_1/MJ1_1_????/MJ1_1_????.h5