from .. import version
from os import environ
import argparse
import shutil
import os
import sys
import re
import h5py
import numpy as np
from ..resources.logger import LoggerOrPrint
from .utils import parse_params_values
from .cli_configs import DiagToRotConfig
from ..utils import get_available_threads
from nxtomo.application.nxtomo import NXtomo
from multiprocessing import Pool
import h5py
from nabu.utils import DictToObj
from nabu.pipeline.estimators import oversample
from scipy.ndimage import gaussian_filter
from import h5todict
The operations here below rely on diag objects which are found in the result of a nab-helical run with the diag_zpro_run set to a number > 0
They are found in the configuration section of the nabu output, in several sequential dataset, with hdf5 dataset keys
which are 0,1,2.... corresponding to all the z-windows ( chunck) for which we have collected contributions at different angles
which are nothing else but pieces of ready to use preprocessed radio , and this for different angles.
In other words redundant contributions conccurring at the same prepocessed radiography but comming from different moment
of the helical scan are kept separate.
By forming pairs theta, theta +180
These Pairs should coincide on an overlapping region after flipping one,
where they both have signal ( part of them can be dark if the detector is out of view above or below)
For each key there is a sequence of radio, the corresponding sequence of weights map, the corresponding z translation, and angles
The number passed to diag_zpro_run object, is >1, and is interpreted by the diagnostic collection run
as the number of wished collected angles between 0 and 180. Lets call it num_0_180
The collection is not done here. Here we exploit the result of a previous collection to deduce, looking at the correlations, the cor
An example of collection is this :
|_____ diagnostics
| |
|__ 0
| |_ radios (4*num_0_180, chunky, chunkx)
| |
| |_ weights (4*num_0_180, chunky, chunkx)
| |
| |_ angles ( 4*num_0_180,)
|_ searched_rad ( 2*num_0_180,) these are all the searched angles between 0 and 360 in radians
|_ zmm_trans ( 4*num_0_180,) the z translation in mm
|_ zpix_transl ( 4*num_0_180,) the z translation in pix
|_ pixes_size_mm scalar
Here we follow the evolution of the rotation angle along the scan.
The final result can be left in its detailed form, giving the found cor at every analysed scan position,
or the result of the interpolation, giving the cor at the two extremal position of z_translation.
def total_merit_list(arg_tuple):
builds three lists : all_merits, all_energies, all_z_transl
For every pair (theta, theta+180 ) add an item to the list which contains:
for "all_merits" a list of merit, one for every overlap in the overlap_list argument,
for "all_energies", same logic, but calculating the implied energy, implied in the calculation of the merit,
for "all_z_transl" we add the averaged z_transl for the considered pair
diag: object
used member of diag are radios, weights and zpix_transl
args: object
containing the application parameters.
Its used members are ovs, high_pass, low_pass
(diag, overlap_list, args) = arg_tuple
orig_sy, ovsd_sx = diag.radios[0].shape
all_merits = []
all_energies = []
all_z_transls = []
# the following two lines are in accordance with the nabu collection layout for diagos
# there are n_angles_pi in [0,180[, and then again the same number of possibly valid radios
# (check for nan in z translation) in [180,360[, [360,540[, 540,720[
n_angles_pi = len(diag.radios) // 4
n_angles_2pi = len(diag.radios) // 2
# check for (theta, theta+180 )pairs whose first radio of the pair in in [0,180[ or [360,540[
for i in list(range(n_angles_pi)) + list(range(n_angles_2pi, n_angles_2pi + n_angles_pi)):
merits = []
energies = []
z_transl = []
if (not np.isnan(diag.zpix_transl[i])) and (not np.isnan(diag.zpix_transl[i + n_angles_pi])):
radio1 = diag.radios[i]
radio2 = diag.radios[i + n_angles_pi]
weight1 = diag.weights[i]
weight2 = diag.weights[i + n_angles_pi]
for overlap in overlap_list:
if overlap <= ovsd_sx:
my_overlap = overlap
my_radio1 = radio1
my_radio2 = radio2
my_weight1 = weight1
my_weight2 = weight2
my_overlap = ovsd_sx - (overlap - ovsd_sx)
my_radio1 = np.fliplr(radio1)
my_radio2 = np.fliplr(radio2)
my_weight1 = np.fliplr(weight1)
my_weight2 = np.fliplr(weight2)
radio_common_left = np.fliplr(my_radio1[:, ovsd_sx - my_overlap :])[
:, : -(args.ovs * args.high_pass * 2)
radio_common_right = my_radio2[:, ovsd_sx - my_overlap : -(args.ovs * args.high_pass * 2)]
diff_common = radio_common_right - radio_common_left
weight_common_left = np.fliplr(my_weight1[:, ovsd_sx - my_overlap :])[
:, : -(args.ovs * args.high_pass * 2)
weight_common_right = my_weight2[:, ovsd_sx - my_overlap : -(args.ovs * args.high_pass * 2)]
weight_common = weight_common_right * weight_common_left
if args.use_l1_norm:
merits.append(abs(diff_common * weight_common).astype("d").sum())
merits.append((diff_common * diff_common * weight_common).astype("d").sum())
(radio_common_left * radio_common_left + radio_common_right * radio_common_right)
* weight_common
merits = [0] * (len(overlap_list))
energies = [0] * (len(overlap_list))
z_transl = 0.5 * (diag.zpix_transl[i] + diag.zpix_transl[i + n_angles_pi])
return all_merits, all_energies, all_z_transls
def find_best_interpolating_line(args):
(all_z_transl, index_overlap_list_a, index_overlap_list_b, all_energies, all_res) = args
z_a = np.nanmin(all_z_transl)
z_b = np.nanmax(all_z_transl)
best_error = np.nan
best_off_pair = None
for index_ovlp_a in index_overlap_list_a:
for index_ovlp_b in index_overlap_list_b:
index_ovlps = np.interp(all_z_transl, [z_a, z_b], [index_ovlp_a, index_ovlp_b])
indexes = (np.arange(all_energies.shape[0]))[~np.isnan(index_ovlps)].astype("i")
index_ovlps = index_ovlps[~np.isnan(index_ovlps)]
index_ovlps = np.round_(index_ovlps).astype("i")
diff_enes = all_res[(indexes, index_ovlps)]
orig_enes = all_energies[(indexes, index_ovlps)]
error = (diff_enes / (orig_enes + 1.0e-30)).astype("d").sum()
if error == error:
if not (error > best_error):
best_error = error
best_error_pair = index_ovlp_a, index_ovlp_b
return best_error, best_error_pair
def main(user_args=None):
"""Find the cor as a function f z translation and write an hdf5 which contains interpolable tables.
This file can be used subsequently with the correct-rot utility.
if user_args is None:
user_args = sys.argv[1:]
args = DictToObj(
program_version="nabu " + version,
if args.near is None:
if args.original_scan is None:
raise ValueError(
"the parameter near was not provided but the original_scan parameter was not provided either"
if args.entry_name is None:
raise ValueError(
"the parameter near was not provided but the entry_name parameter for the original scan was not provided either"
scan = NXtomo()
scan.load(file_path=args.original_scan, data_path=args.entry_name)
args.near = scan.instrument.detector.estimated_cor_from_motor
args.ovs = 4
diag_url = os.path.join("/", args.entry_name, "reconstruction/configuration/diagnostics")
diag_keys = []
with h5py.File(args.diag_file, "r") as f:
diag_keys = list(f[diag_url].keys())
diag_keys = [diag_keys[i] for i in np.argsort(list(map(int, diag_keys)))]
all_merits = []
all_energies = []
all_z_transls = []
arguments_for_multiprocessing = []
for i_key, my_key in enumerate(diag_keys):
diag = DictToObj(h5todict(args.diag_file, os.path.join(diag_url, my_key)))
args.original_shape = diag.radios[0].shape
args.zpix_mm = diag.pixel_size_mm
transform_images(diag, args)
if i_key == 0:
orig_sy, ovsd_sx = diag.radios[0].shape # already transformed here, ovsd_sx is expanded
args.ovsd_sx = ovsd_sx
overlap_min = max(4, ovsd_sx - 2 * args.ovs * (args.near + args.near_width))
overlap_max = min(2 * ovsd_sx - 4, ovsd_sx - 2 * args.ovs * (args.near - args.near_width))
overlap_list = list(range(int(overlap_min), int(overlap_max) + 1))
if overlap_min > overlap_max:
message = f""" There is no safe search range in find_cor once the margins corresponding to the high_pass filter are discarded.
May be the near value (which is the offset respect to the center of the image) is too big, or too negative,
in short too close to the borders.
raise ValueError(message)
arguments_for_multiprocessing.append((diag, overlap_list, args))
ncpus = get_available_threads()
with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
result_list =, arguments_for_multiprocessing)
for merits, energies, z_transls in result_list:
n_pairings_with_data = 0
for en, me in zip(all_merits, all_energies):
if np.any(me):
n_pairings_with_data += 1
if args.linear_interpolation:
if n_pairings_with_data < 2:
message = f""" The diagnostics collection has probably been run over a too thin section of the scan
or you scan does not allow to form pairs of theta, theta+360. I only found {n_pairings_with_data} pairings
and this is not enough to do correlation + interpolation between sections
raise RuntimeError(message)
if n_pairings_with_data < 1:
message = f""" The diagnostics collection has probably been run over a too thin section of the scan
or you scan does not allow to form pairs of theta, theta+360. I only found {n_pairings_with_data}
raise RuntimeError(message)
# all_merits, all_energies, all_z_transls = zip( result_list )
# merits, energies, z_transls = total_merit_list(diag, overlap_list, args)
# all_z_transls.extend(z_transls)
# all_merits.extend(merits)
# all_energies.append(energies)
all_merits = np.array(all_merits)
all_energies = np.array(all_energies)
all_merits.shape = -1, len(overlap_list)
all_energies.shape = -1, len(overlap_list)
if args.linear_interpolation:
do_linear_interpolation(args, overlap_list, all_merits, all_energies, all_z_transls)
do_height_by_height(args, overlap_list, all_merits, all_energies, all_z_transls)
return 0
def do_height_by_height(args, overlap_list, all_diff, all_energies, all_z_transl):
# now we find the best cor for each chunk, or nan if no overlap is found
z_a = np.min(all_z_transl)
z_b = np.max(all_z_transl)
grouped_diff = {}
grouped_energy = {}
for diff, energy, z in zip(all_diff, all_energies, all_z_transl):
found = z
for key in grouped_diff.keys():
if abs(key - z) < 2.0: # these are in pixel units
found = key
grouped_diff[found] = grouped_diff.get(found, np.zeros([len(overlap_list)], "f")) + diff
grouped_energy[found] = grouped_energy.get(found, np.zeros([len(overlap_list)], "f")) + energy
z_list = list(grouped_energy.keys())
cor_list = []
for z in z_list:
diff = grouped_diff[z]
energy = grouped_energy[z]
best_error = np.nan
best_off = None
if not np.isnan(z):
for i_ovlp in range(len(overlap_list)):
error = diff[i_ovlp] / (energy[i_ovlp] + 1.0e-30)
if not (error > best_error):
best_error = error
best_off = i_ovlp
if best_off is not None:
offset = (args.ovsd_sx - overlap_list[best_off]) / args.ovs / 2
sy, sx = args.original_shape
cor_abs = (sx - 1) / 2 + offset
# no overlap was available for that z
with h5py.File(args.cor_file, "w") as f:
my_mask = ~np.isnan(np.array(cor_list))
f["cor"] = np.array(cor_list)[my_mask]
f["z_pix"] = np.array(z_list)[my_mask]
f["z_m"] = (np.array(z_list)[my_mask]) * args.zpix_mm * 1.0e-3
def do_linear_interpolation(args, overlap_list, all_res, all_energies, all_z_transl):
# now we consider all the linear regressions of the offset with z_transl
ncpus = get_available_threads()
index_overlap_list = np.arange(len(overlap_list)).astype("i")
arguments_list = [
(all_z_transl, piece, index_overlap_list, all_energies, all_res)
for piece in np.array_split(index_overlap_list, ncpus)
with Pool(processes=ncpus) as pool:
result_list =, arguments_list)
error_list = [tok[0] for tok in result_list]
best_pos = np.argmin(error_list)
best_error, best_error_pair = result_list[best_pos]
# find the interpolated line
i_ovlp_a, i_ovlp_b = best_error_pair
offset_a = (args.ovsd_sx - overlap_list[i_ovlp_a]) / args.ovs / 2
offset_b = (args.ovsd_sx - overlap_list[i_ovlp_b]) / args.ovs / 2
sy, sx = args.original_shape
cor_abs_a = (sx - 1) / 2 + offset_a
cor_abs_b = (sx - 1) / 2 + offset_b
z_a = np.nanmin(all_z_transl)
z_b = np.nanmax(all_z_transl)
with h5py.File(args.cor_file, "w") as f:
f["cor"] = np.array([cor_abs_a, cor_abs_b])
f["z_pix"] = np.array([z_a, z_b])
f["z_m"] = np.array([z_a, z_b]) * args.zpix_mm * 1.0e-3