Source code for

from os import path
import posixpath
from import DataUrl
from import h5todict
from ..utils import check_supported
from import get_first_hdf5_entry, get_h5_value
from import NXProcessWriter
from ..misc.histogram import PartialHistogram, VolumeHistogram, hist_as_2Darray
from ..misc.histogram_cuda import CudaVolumeHistogram
from ..resources.logger import Logger, LoggerOrPrint
from .utils import parse_params_values
from .cli_configs import HistogramConfig

[docs] class VolumesHistogram: """ A class for extracting or computing histograms of one or several volumes. """ available_backends = { "numpy": VolumeHistogram, "cuda": CudaVolumeHistogram, } def __init__( self, fnames, output_file, chunk_size_slices=100, chunk_size_GB=None, nbins=1e6, logger=None, backend="cuda" ): """ Initialize a VolumesHistogram object. Parameters ----------- fnames: list of str List of paths to HDF5 files. To specify an entry for each file name, use the "?" separator: /path/to/file.h5?entry0001 output_file: str Path to the output file write_histogram_if_computed: bool, optional Whether to write histograms that are computed to a file. Some volumes might be missing their histogram. In this case, the histogram is computed, and the result is written to a dedicated file in the same directory as 'output_file'. Default is True. """ self._get_files_and_entries(fnames) self.chunk_size_slices = chunk_size_slices self.chunk_size_GB = chunk_size_GB self.nbins = nbins self.logger = LoggerOrPrint(logger) self.output_file = output_file self._get_histogrammer_backend(backend) def _get_files_and_entries(self, fnames): res_fnames = [] res_entries = [] for fname in fnames: if "?" not in fname: entry = None else: fname, entry = fname.split("?") if entry == "": entry = None res_fnames.append(fname) res_entries.append(entry) self.fnames = res_fnames self.entries = res_entries def _get_histogrammer_backend(self, backend): check_supported(backend, self.available_backends.keys(), "histogram backend") self.VolumeHistogramClass = self.available_backends[backend] def _get_config_onevolume(self, fname, entry, data_shape): return { "chunk_size_slices": self.chunk_size_slices, "chunk_size_GB": self.chunk_size_GB, "bins": self.nbins, "filename": fname, "entry": entry, "volume_shape": data_shape, } def _get_config(self): conf = self._get_config_onevolume("", "", None) conf.pop("filename") conf.pop("entry") conf["filenames"] = self.fnames conf["entries"] = [entry if entry is not None else "None" for entry in self.entries] return conf def _write_histogram_onevolume(self, fname, entry, histogram, data_shape): output_file = ( path.join(path.dirname(self.output_file), path.splitext(path.basename(fname))[0]) + "_histogram" + path.splitext(fname)[1] )"Writing histogram of %s into %s" % (fname, output_file)) writer = NXProcessWriter(output_file, entry, filemode="w", overwrite=True) writer.write( hist_as_2Darray(histogram), "histogram", config=self._get_config_onevolume(fname, entry, data_shape) )
[docs] def get_histogram_single_volume(self, fname, entry, write_histogram_if_computed=True, return_config=False): entry = entry or get_first_hdf5_entry(fname) hist_path = posixpath.join(entry, "histogram", "results", "data") hist_cfg_path = posixpath.join(entry, "histogram", "configuration") rec_path = posixpath.join(entry, "reconstruction", "results", "data") rec_url = DataUrl(file_path=fname, data_path=rec_path) hist = get_h5_value(fname, hist_path) config = None if hist is None:"No histogram found in %s, computing it" % fname) vol_histogrammer = self.VolumeHistogramClass( rec_url, chunk_size_slices=self.chunk_size_slices, chunk_size_GB=self.chunk_size_GB, nbins=self.nbins, logger=self.logger, ) hist = vol_histogrammer.compute_volume_histogram() if write_histogram_if_computed: self._write_histogram_onevolume(fname, entry, hist, vol_histogrammer.data_shape) else: if return_config: raise ValueError( "return_config must be set to True to get configuration for non-existing histograms" ) hist = hist_as_2Darray(hist) config = h5todict(path.splitext(fname)[0] + "_histogram" + path.splitext(fname)[1], path=hist_cfg_path) if return_config: return hist, config else: return hist
[docs] def get_histogram(self, return_config=False): histograms = [] configs = [] for fname, entry in zip(self.fnames, self.entries):"Getting histogram for %s" % fname) hist, conf = self.get_histogram_single_volume(fname, entry, return_config=True) histograms.append(hist) configs.append(conf)"Merging histograms") histogrammer = PartialHistogram(method="fixed_bins_number", num_bins=self.nbins) hist = histogrammer.merge_histograms(histograms, dont_truncate_bins=True) if return_config: return hist, configs else: return hist
[docs] def merge_histograms_configurations(self, configs): if configs is None or len(configs) == 0: return res_config = {"volume_shape": list(configs[0]["volume_shape"])} res_config["volume_shape"][0] = 0 for conf in configs: nz, ny, nx = conf["volume_shape"] res_config["volume_shape"][0] += nz res_config["volume_shape"] = tuple(res_config["volume_shape"]) return res_config
[docs] def write_histogram(self, hist, config=None):"Writing final histogram to %s" % (self.output_file)) config = config or {} base_config = self._get_config() base_config.pop("volume_shape") config.update(base_config) writer = NXProcessWriter(self.output_file, "entry0000", filemode="w", overwrite=True) writer.write(hist_as_2Darray(hist), "histogram", config=config)
[docs] def histogram_cli(): args = parse_params_values(HistogramConfig, parser_description="Extract/compute histogram of volume(s).") logger = Logger("nabu_histogram", level=args["loglevel"], logfile="nabu_histogram.log") output = args["output_file"].split("?")[0] if path.exists(output): logger.fatal("Output file %s already exists, not overwriting it" % output) exit(1) chunk_size_gb = float(args["chunk_size_GB"]) if chunk_size_gb <= 0: chunk_size_gb = None histogramer = VolumesHistogram( args["h5_file"], output, chunk_size_slices=int(args["chunk_size_slices"]), chunk_size_GB=chunk_size_gb, nbins=int(args["bins"]), logger=logger, ) hist, configs = histogramer.get_histogram(return_config=True) config = histogramer.merge_histograms_configurations(configs) histogramer.write_histogram(hist, config=config) return 0
if __name__ == "__main__": histogram_cli()