Source code for

import logging
from nabu.utils import Progress
from nabu.stitching.slurm_utils import split_stitching_configuration_to_slurm_job
from .cli_configs import StitchingConfig
from ..pipeline.config import parse_nabu_config_file
from nabu.stitching.z_stitching import (
from nabu.stitching.config import dict_to_config_obj
from .utils import parse_params_values

    from sluurp.executor import submit
except ImportError:
    has_sluurp = False
    has_sluurp = True

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] def main(): args = parse_params_values( StitchingConfig, parser_description="Run stitching from a configuration file. Configuration can be obtain from `stitching-config`", ) logging.basicConfig(level=args["loglevel"].upper()) conf_dict = parse_nabu_config_file(args["input-file"], allow_no_value=True) stitching_config = dict_to_config_obj(conf_dict) stitching_config.settle_inputs() if stitching_config.slurm_config.partition in (None, ""): # case 1: run locally"run stitching locally with {stitching_config}") progress = Progress("z-stitching") progress.set_name("initialize z-stitching") progress.set_advancement(0) z_stitching(stitching_config, progress=progress) else: if not has_sluurp: raise ImportError( "sluurp not install. Please install it to distribute stitching on slurm (pip install sluurm)" ) # case 2: run on slurm # note: to speed up we could do shift research on pre processing and run it only once (if manual of course). Here it will be run for all part"will distribute stitching") futures = {} # 2.1 launch jobs for i_job, (job, sub_config) in enumerate( split_stitching_configuration_to_slurm_job(stitching_config, yield_configuration=True) ):"submit job nb {i_job}: handles {sub_config.slices}") output_volume = sub_config.get_output_object().get_identifier().to_str() futures[output_volume] = submit(job, timeout=999999) # 2.2 wait for future to be done and concatenate the result post_processing = StitchingPostProcAggregation( futures=futures, stitching_config=stitching_config.to_dict(), ) post_processing.process() exit(0)
if __name__ == "__main__": main()