Source code for nabu.preproc.phase_cuda

import numpy as np
import pycuda.driver as cuda
from pycuda import gpuarray as garray
from ..utils import get_cuda_srcfile, check_supported
from .phase import PaganinPhaseRetrieval
from ..cuda.processing import CudaProcessing
from ..cuda.kernel import CudaKernel

[docs] class CudaPaganinPhaseRetrieval(PaganinPhaseRetrieval): supported_paddings = ["zeros", "constant", "edge"] def __init__( self, shape, distance=0.5, energy=20, delta_beta=250.0, pixel_size=1e-6, padding="edge", margin=None, cuda_options=None, fftw_num_threads=None, ): """ Please refer to the documentation of nabu.preproc.phase.PaganinPhaseRetrieval """ padding = self._check_padding(padding) self.cuda_processing = CudaProcessing(**(cuda_options or {})) super().__init__( shape, distance=distance, energy=energy, delta_beta=delta_beta, pixel_size=pixel_size, padding=padding, margin=margin, use_rfft=True, fftw_num_threads=None, ) self._init_gpu_arrays() self._init_fft() self._init_padding_kernel() self._init_mult_kernel() def _check_padding(self, padding): check_supported(padding, self.supported_paddings, "padding") if padding == "zeros": padding = "constant" return padding def _init_gpu_arrays(self): self.d_paganin_filter = garray.to_gpu(np.ascontiguousarray(self.paganin_filter, dtype=np.float32)) # overwrite parent method, don't initialize any FFT plan def _get_fft(self, use_rfft, fftw_num_threads): self.use_rfft = use_rfft self.use_fftw = False def _init_fft(self): # Import has to be done here, otherwise scikit-cuda creates a cuda/cublas context at import from silx.math.fft.cufft import CUFFT # self.cufft = CUFFT(template=self.data_padded.astype("f")) self.d_radio_padded = self.cufft.data_in self.d_radio_f = self.cufft.data_out def _init_padding_kernel(self): kern_signature = {"constant": "Piiiiiiiiffff", "edge": "Piiiiiiii"} self.padding_kernel = CudaKernel( "padding_%s" % self.padding, filename=get_cuda_srcfile(""), signature=kern_signature[self.padding], ) Ny, Nx = self.shape Nyp, Nxp = self.shape_padded self.padding_kernel_args = [ self.d_radio_padded, Nx, Ny, Nxp, Nyp, self.pad_left_len, self.pad_right_len, self.pad_top_len, self.pad_bottom_len, ] # TODO configurable constant values if self.padding == "constant": self.padding_kernel_args.extend([0, 0, 0, 0]) def _init_mult_kernel(self): self.cpxmult_kernel = CudaKernel( "inplace_complexreal_mul_2Dby2D", filename=get_cuda_srcfile(""), signature="PPii", ) self.cpxmult_kernel_args = [ self.d_radio_f, self.d_paganin_filter, self.shape_padded[1] // 2 + 1, self.shape_padded[0], ]
[docs] def set_input(self, data): assert data.shape == self.shape assert data.dtype == np.float32 # Rectangular memcopy # TODO profile, and if needed include this copy in the padding kernel if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or isinstance(data, garray.GPUArray): self.d_radio_padded[: self.shape[0], : self.shape[1]] = data[:, :] elif isinstance(data, cuda.DeviceAllocation): # TODO manual memcpy2D raise NotImplementedError("pycuda buffers are not supported yet") else: raise ValueError("Expected either numpy array, pycuda array or pycuda buffer")
[docs] def get_output(self, output): s0, s1 = self.shape_inner ((U, _), (L, _)) = self.margin if output is None: # copy D2H return self.d_radio_padded[U : U + s0, L : L + s1].get() assert output.shape == self.shape_inner assert output.dtype == np.float32 output[:, :] = self.d_radio_padded[U : U + s0, L : L + s1] return output
[docs] def apply_filter(self, radio, output=None): self.set_input(radio) self.padding_kernel(*self.padding_kernel_args) self.cufft.fft(self.d_radio_padded, output=self.d_radio_f) self.cpxmult_kernel(*self.cpxmult_kernel_args) self.cufft.ifft(self.d_radio_f, output=self.d_radio_padded) return self.get_output(output)
__call__ = apply_filter retrieve_phase = apply_filter