Source code for nabu.estimation.alignment

# import math
import logging
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm
from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
from silx.math.medianfilter import medfilt2d
import scipy.fft  # pylint: disable=E0611
from ..utils import previouspow2
from ..misc import fourier_filters
from ..resources.logger import LoggerOrPrint

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    __have_matplotlib__ = True
except ImportError:
    logging.getLogger(__name__).warning("Matplotlib not available. Plotting disabled")
    plt = None
    __have_matplotlib__ = False

[docs] def progress_bar(x, verbose=True): if verbose: return tqdm(x) else: return x
local_fftn = scipy.fft.rfftn local_ifftn = scipy.fft.irfftn
[docs] class AlignmentBase: default_extra_options = {"blocking_plots": False} _default_cor_options = {} def __init__( self, vert_fft_width=False, horz_fft_width=False, verbose=False, logger=None, data_type=np.float32, extra_options=None, ): """ Alignment basic functions. Parameters ---------- vert_fft_width: boolean, optional If True, restrict the vertical size to a power of 2: >>> new_v_dim = 2 ** math.floor(math.log2(v_dim)) horz_fft_width: boolean, optional If True, restrict the horizontal size to a power of 2: >>> new_h_dim = 2 ** math.floor(math.log2(h_dim)) verbose: boolean, optional When True it will produce verbose output, including plots. data_type: `numpy.float32` Computation data type. """ self._init_parameters(vert_fft_width, horz_fft_width, verbose, logger, data_type, extra_options=extra_options) self._plot_windows = {} def _init_parameters(self, vert_fft_width, horz_fft_width, verbose, logger, data_type, extra_options=None): self.logger = LoggerOrPrint(logger) self.truncate_vert_pow2 = vert_fft_width self.truncate_horz_pow2 = horz_fft_width if verbose and not __have_matplotlib__: self.logger.warning("Matplotlib not available. Plotting disabled, despite being activated by user") verbose = False self.verbose = verbose self.data_type = data_type self.extra_options = self.default_extra_options.copy() self.extra_options.update(extra_options or {}) @staticmethod def _check_img_stack_size(img_stack: np.ndarray, img_pos: np.ndarray): shape_stack = np.squeeze(img_stack).shape shape_pos = np.squeeze(img_pos).shape if not len(shape_stack) == 3: raise ValueError( "A stack of 2-dimensional images is required. Shape of stack: %s" % (" ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_stack))) ) if not len(shape_pos) == 1: raise ValueError( "Positions need to be a 1-dimensional array. Shape of the positions variable: %s" % (" ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_pos))) ) if not shape_stack[0] == shape_pos[0]: raise ValueError( "The same number of images and positions is required." + " Shape of stack: %s, shape of positions variable: %s" % ( " ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_stack)), " ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_pos)), ) ) @staticmethod def _check_img_pair_sizes(img_1: np.ndarray, img_2: np.ndarray): shape_1 = np.squeeze(img_1).shape shape_2 = np.squeeze(img_2).shape if not len(shape_1) == 2: raise ValueError( "Images need to be 2-dimensional. Shape of image #1: %s" % (" ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_1))) ) if not len(shape_2) == 2: raise ValueError( "Images need to be 2-dimensional. Shape of image #2: %s" % (" ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_2))) ) if not np.all(shape_1 == shape_2): raise ValueError( "Images need to be of the same shape. Shape of image #1: %s, image #2: %s" % ( " ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_1)), " ".join(("%d" % x for x in shape_2)), ) )
[docs] @staticmethod def refine_max_position_2d(f_vals: np.ndarray, fy=None, fx=None): """Computes the sub-pixel max position of the given function sampling. Parameters ---------- f_vals: numpy.ndarray Function values of the sampled points fy: numpy.ndarray, optional Vertical coordinates of the sampled points fx: numpy.ndarray, optional Horizontal coordinates of the sampled points Raises ------ ValueError In case position and values do not have the same size, or in case the fitted maximum is outside the fitting region. Returns ------- tuple(float, float) Estimated (vertical, horizontal) function max, according to the coordinates in fy and fx. """ if not (len(f_vals.shape) == 2): raise ValueError( "The fitted values should form a 2-dimensional array. Array of shape: [%s] was given." % (" ".join(("%d" % s for s in f_vals.shape))) ) if fy is None: fy_half_size = (f_vals.shape[0] - 1) / 2 fy = np.linspace(-fy_half_size, fy_half_size, f_vals.shape[0]) elif not (len(fy.shape) == 1 and np.all(fy.size == f_vals.shape[0])): raise ValueError( "Vertical coordinates should have the same length as values matrix. Sizes of fy: %d, f_vals: [%s]" % (fy.size, " ".join(("%d" % s for s in f_vals.shape))) ) if fx is None: fx_half_size = (f_vals.shape[1] - 1) / 2 fx = np.linspace(-fx_half_size, fx_half_size, f_vals.shape[1]) elif not (len(fx.shape) == 1 and np.all(fx.size == f_vals.shape[1])): raise ValueError( "Horizontal coordinates should have the same length as values matrix. Sizes of fx: %d, f_vals: [%s]" % (fx.size, " ".join(("%d" % s for s in f_vals.shape))) ) fy, fx = np.meshgrid(fy, fx, indexing="ij") fy = fy.flatten() fx = fx.flatten() coords = np.array([np.ones(f_vals.size), fy, fx, fy * fx, fy**2, fx**2]) coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(coords.T, f_vals.flatten(), rcond=None)[0] # For a 1D parabola `f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c`, the vertex position is: # x_v = -b / 2a. For a 2D parabola, the vertex position is: # (y, x)_v = - b / A, where: A = [[2 * coeffs[4], coeffs[3]], [coeffs[3], 2 * coeffs[5]]] b = coeffs[1:3] vertex_yx = np.linalg.lstsq(A, -b, rcond=None)[0] vertex_min_yx = [np.min(fy), np.min(fx)] vertex_max_yx = [np.max(fy), np.max(fx)] if np.any(vertex_yx < vertex_min_yx) or np.any(vertex_yx > vertex_max_yx): raise ValueError( "Fitted (y: {}, x: {}) positions are outside the input margins y: [{}, {}], and x: [{}, {}]".format( vertex_yx[0], vertex_yx[1], vertex_min_yx[0], vertex_max_yx[0], vertex_min_yx[1], vertex_max_yx[1], ) ) return vertex_yx
[docs] @staticmethod def refine_max_position_1d(f_vals, fx=None, return_vertex_val=False, return_all_coeffs=False): """Computes the sub-pixel max position of the given function sampling. Parameters ---------- f_vals: numpy.ndarray Function values of the sampled points fx: numpy.ndarray, optional Coordinates of the sampled points return_vertex_val: boolean, option Enables returning the vertex values. Defaults to False. Raises ------ ValueError In case position and values do not have the same size, or in case the fitted maximum is outside the fitting region. Returns ------- float Estimated function max, according to the coordinates in fx. """ if not len(f_vals.shape) in (1, 2): raise ValueError( "The fitted values should be either one or a collection of 1-dimensional arrays. Array of shape: [%s] was given." % (" ".join(("%d" % s for s in f_vals.shape))) ) num_vals = f_vals.shape[0] if fx is None: fx_half_size = (num_vals - 1) / 2 fx = np.linspace(-fx_half_size, fx_half_size, num_vals) else: fx = np.squeeze(fx) if not (len(fx.shape) == 1 and np.all(fx.size == num_vals)): raise ValueError( "Base coordinates should have the same length as values array. Sizes of fx: %d, f_vals: %d" % (fx.size, num_vals) ) if len(f_vals.shape) == 1: # using, because supposed to be more numerically # stable than previous solutions (according to numpy). poly =, f_vals, deg=2) coeffs = poly.convert().coef else: coords = np.array([np.ones(num_vals), fx, fx**2]) coeffs = np.linalg.lstsq(coords.T, f_vals, rcond=None)[0] # For a 1D parabola `f(x) = c + bx + ax^2`, the vertex position is: # x_v = -b / 2a. vertex_x = -coeffs[1, :] / (2 * coeffs[2, :]) if not return_all_coeffs: vertex_x = vertex_x[0] vertex_min_x = np.min(fx) vertex_max_x = np.max(fx) lower_bound_ok = vertex_min_x < vertex_x upper_bound_ok = vertex_x < vertex_max_x if not np.all(lower_bound_ok * upper_bound_ok): if len(f_vals.shape) == 1: message = "Fitted position {} is outide the input margins [{}, {}]".format( vertex_x, vertex_min_x, vertex_max_x ) else: message = "Fitted positions outside the input margins [{}, {}]: {} below and {} above".format( vertex_min_x, vertex_max_x, np.sum(1 - lower_bound_ok), np.sum(1 - upper_bound_ok), ) raise ValueError(message) if return_vertex_val: vertex_val = coeffs[0, :] + vertex_x * coeffs[1, :] / 2 return vertex_x, vertex_val else: return vertex_x
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_peak_region_2d(cc, peak_radius=1, cc_vs=None, cc_hs=None): """ Extracts a region around the maximum value. Parameters ---------- cc: numpy.ndarray Correlation image. peak_radius: int, optional The l_inf radius of the area to extract around the peak. The default is 1. cc_vs: numpy.ndarray, optional The vertical coordinates of `cc`. The default is None. cc_hs: numpy.ndarray, optional The horizontal coordinates of `cc`. The default is None. Returns ------- f_vals: numpy.ndarray The extracted function values. fv: numpy.ndarray The vertical coordinates of the extracted values. fh: numpy.ndarray The horizontal coordinates of the extracted values. """ img_shape = np.array(cc.shape) # get pixel having the maximum value of the correlation array pix_max_corr = np.argmax(cc) pv, ph = np.unravel_index(pix_max_corr, img_shape) # select a n x n neighborhood for the sub-pixel fitting (with wrapping) pv = np.arange(pv - peak_radius, pv + peak_radius + 1) % img_shape[-2] ph = np.arange(ph - peak_radius, ph + peak_radius + 1) % img_shape[-1] # extract the (v, h) pixel coordinates fv = None if cc_vs is None else cc_vs[pv] fh = None if cc_hs is None else cc_hs[ph] # extract the correlation values pv, ph = np.meshgrid(pv, ph, indexing="ij") f_vals = cc[pv, ph] return (f_vals, fv, fh)
[docs] @staticmethod def extract_peak_regions_1d(cc, axis=-1, peak_radius=1, cc_coords=None): """ Extracts a region around the maximum value. Parameters ---------- cc: numpy.ndarray Correlation image. axis: int, optional Find the max values along the specified direction. The default is -1. peak_radius: int, optional The l_inf radius of the area to extract around the peak. The default is 1. cc_coords: numpy.ndarray, optional The coordinates of `cc` along the selected axis. The default is None. Returns ------- f_vals: numpy.ndarray The extracted function values. fc_ax: numpy.ndarray The coordinates of the extracted values, along the selected axis. """ if len(cc.shape) == 1: cc = cc[None, ...] img_shape = np.array(cc.shape) if not (len(img_shape) == 2): raise ValueError( "The input image should be either a 1 or 2-dimensional array. Array of shape: [%s] was given." % (" ".join(("%d" % s for s in cc.shape))) ) other_axis = (axis + 1) % 2 # get pixel having the maximum value of the correlation array pix_max = np.argmax(cc, axis=axis) # select a n neighborhood for the many 1D sub-pixel fittings (with wrapping) p_ax_range = np.arange(-peak_radius, +peak_radius + 1) p_ax = (pix_max[None, :] + p_ax_range[:, None]) % img_shape[axis] p_ln = np.tile(np.arange(0, img_shape[other_axis])[None, :], [2 * peak_radius + 1, 1]) # extract the pixel coordinates along the axis fc_ax = None if cc_coords is None else cc_coords[p_ax.flatten()].reshape(p_ax.shape) # extract the correlation values if other_axis == 0: f_vals = cc[p_ln, p_ax] else: f_vals = cc[p_ax, p_ln] return (f_vals, fc_ax)
def _determine_roi(self, img_shape, roi_yxhw): if roi_yxhw is None: # vertical and horizontal window sizes are reduced to a power of 2 # to accelerate fft if requested. Default is not. roi_yxhw = previouspow2(img_shape) if not self.truncate_vert_pow2: roi_yxhw[0] = img_shape[0] if not self.truncate_horz_pow2: roi_yxhw[1] = img_shape[1] roi_yxhw = np.array(roi_yxhw, dtype=np.intp) if len(roi_yxhw) == 2: # Convert centered 2-element roi into 4-element roi_yxhw = np.concatenate(((img_shape - roi_yxhw) // 2, roi_yxhw)) return roi_yxhw def _prepare_image( self, img, invalid_val=1e-5, roi_yxhw=None, median_filt_shape=None, low_pass=None, high_pass=None, ): """ Prepare and returns a cropped and filtered image, or array of filtered images if the input is an array of images. Parameters ---------- img: numpy.ndarray image or stack of images invalid_val: float value to be used in replacement of nan and inf values median_filt_shape: int or sequence of int the width or the widths of the median window low_pass: float or sequence of two floats Low-pass filter properties, as described in `nabu.misc.fourier_filters` high_pass: float or sequence of two floats High-pass filter properties, as described in `nabu.misc.fourier_filters` Returns ------- numpy.array_like The computed filter """ img = np.squeeze(img) # Removes singleton dimensions, but does a shallow copy img = np.ascontiguousarray(img, dtype=self.data_type) if roi_yxhw is not None: img = img[ ..., roi_yxhw[0] : roi_yxhw[0] + roi_yxhw[2], roi_yxhw[1] : roi_yxhw[1] + roi_yxhw[3], ] img = img.copy() img[np.isnan(img)] = invalid_val img[np.isinf(img)] = invalid_val if high_pass is not None or low_pass is not None: img_filter = fourier_filters.get_bandpass_filter( img.shape[-2:], cutoff_lowpass=low_pass, cutoff_highpass=high_pass, use_rfft=True, data_type=self.data_type, ) # fft2 and iff2 use axes=(-2, -1) by default img = local_ifftn(local_fftn(img, axes=(-2, -1)) * img_filter, axes=(-2, -1)).real if median_filt_shape is not None: img_shape = img.shape # expanding filter shape with ones, to cover the stack of images # but disabling inter-image filtering median_filt_shape = np.concatenate( ( np.ones((len(img_shape) - len(median_filt_shape),), dtype=np.intp), median_filt_shape, ) ) img = medfilt2d(img, kernel_size=median_filt_shape) return img def _transform_to_fft( self, img_1: np.ndarray, img_2: np.ndarray, padding_mode, axes=(-2, -1), low_pass=None, high_pass=None ): do_circular_conv = padding_mode is None or padding_mode == "wrap" img_shape = img_2.shape if not do_circular_conv: pad_size = np.ceil(np.array(img_shape) / 2).astype(np.intp) pad_array = [(0,)] * len(img_shape) for a in axes: pad_array[a] = (pad_size[a],) img_1 = np.pad(img_1, pad_array, mode=padding_mode) img_2 = np.pad(img_2, pad_array, mode=padding_mode) else: pad_size = None img_shape = img_2.shape # compute fft's of the 2 images img_fft_1 = local_fftn(img_1, axes=axes) img_fft_2 = local_fftn(img_2, axes=axes) if low_pass is not None or high_pass is not None: filt = fourier_filters.get_bandpass_filter( img_shape[-2:], cutoff_lowpass=low_pass, cutoff_highpass=high_pass, use_rfft=True, data_type=self.data_type, ) else: filt = None return img_fft_1, img_fft_2, filt, pad_size def _compute_correlation_fft( self, img_1: np.ndarray, img_2: np.ndarray, padding_mode, axes=(-2, -1), low_pass=None, high_pass=None ): img_fft_1, img_fft_2, filt, pad_size = self._transform_to_fft( img_1, img_2, padding_mode=padding_mode, axes=axes, low_pass=low_pass, high_pass=high_pass ) img_prod = img_fft_1 * np.conjugate(img_fft_2) if filt is not None: img_prod *= filt # inverse fft of the product to get cross_correlation of the 2 images cc = np.real(local_ifftn(img_prod, axes=axes)) if pad_size is not None: cc_shape = cc.shape cc = np.fft.fftshift(cc, axes=axes) slicing = [slice(None)] * len(cc_shape) for a in axes: slicing[a] = slice(pad_size[a], cc_shape[a] - pad_size[a]) cc = cc[tuple(slicing)] cc = np.fft.ifftshift(cc, axes=axes) return cc def _add_plot_window(self, fig, ax=None): self._plot_windows[fig.number] = {"figure": fig, "axes": ax}
[docs] def close_plot_window(self, n, errors="raise"): """ Close a plot window. Applicable only if the class was instantiated with verbose=True. Parameters ---------- n: int Figure number to close errors: str, optional What to do with errors. It can be either "raise", "log" or "ignore". """ if not self.verbose: return if n not in self._plot_windows: msg = "Cannot close plot window number %d: no such window" % n if errors == "raise": raise ValueError(msg) elif errors == "log": self.logger.error(msg) fig_ax = self._plot_windows.pop(n) plt.close(fig_ax["figure"].number) # would also work with the object itself
[docs] def close_last_plot_windows(self, n=1): """ Close the last "n" plot windows. Applicable only if the class was instanciated with verbose=True. Parameters ----------- n: int, optional Integer indicating how many plot windows should be closed. """ figs_nums = sorted(self._plot_windows.keys(), reverse=True) n = min(n, len(figs_nums)) for i in range(n): self.close_plot_window(figs_nums[i], errors="ignore")