%matplotlib nbagg
import time
start_time = time.time()
There has been a long discussion about the validity (or not) of pixel splitting regarding the propagation of errors #520 #882 #883. So we will develop a mathematical model for a SAXS experiment and validate it in the case of a SAXS approximation (i.e. no solid-angle correction, no polarisation effect, and of course small angled $\theta = sin(\theta) = tan(\theta)$)
Let's do a numerical experiment, simulating the following experiment:
Pixel splitting is disables, for this we use one of the folloging rebinning engines:
We will check they all provide the same numerical result
Now we define some constants for the studdy. The dictionary kwarg contains the parameters used for azimuthal integration. This ensures the number of bins for the regrouping or correction like $\Omega$ and polarization are always the same.
pix = 100e-6
shape = (1024, 1024)
npt = 1000
nimg = 1000
wl = 1e-10
I0 = 1e4
Rg = 1.
kwarg = {"npt":npt,
import numpy
from scipy.stats import chi2 as chi2_dist
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
import pyFAI
from pyFAI.detectors import Detector
from pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator import AzimuthalIntegrator
from pyFAI.method_registry import IntegrationMethod
from pyFAI.gui import jupyter
detector = Detector(pix, pix)
detector.shape = detector.max_shape = shape
We define in ai_init the geometry, the detector and the wavelength.
ai_init = {"dist":1.0,
ai = AzimuthalIntegrator(**ai_init)
#Solid consideration:
Ω = ai.solidAngleArray(detector.shape, absolute=True)
print("Solid angle: maxi= {} mini= {}, ratio= {}".format(Ω.max(), Ω.min(), Ω.min()/Ω.max()))
# Validation of the flatness of a flat image integrated
flat = numpy.ones(detector.shape)
res_flat = ai.integrate1d(flat, **kwarg)
crv = jupyter.plot1d(res_flat)
#Equivalence of different rebinning engines:
for method in "numpy", "histogram", "nosplit_csr", "nosplit_csr_ocl_gpu":
new_method = IntegrationMethod.select_one_available(method, dim=1)
res_flat = ai.integrate1d(flat, method=new_method, **kwarg)
print("timeit for method=", method, "max error:", abs(res_flat.intensity-1).max())
%timeit res_flat = ai.integrate1d(flat, method=new_method, **kwarg)
# so we chose the nosplit_csr_ocl_gpu, other methods may be faster depending on the computer
kwarg["method"] = IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("nosplit_csr", 1)
# Generation of a "SAXS-like" curve with the shape of a lorentzian curve
q = numpy.linspace(0, res_flat.radial.max(), npt)
I = I0/(1+q**2)
fig, ax = subplots()
ax.semilogy(q, I, label="Simulated signal")
ax.set_xlabel("q ($nm^{-1}$)")
ax.set_ylabel("I (count)")
#Reconstruction of diffusion image:
img_theo = ai.calcfrom1d(q, I, dim1_unit="q_nm^-1",
fig, ax = subplots()
ax.imshow(img_theo, norm=LogNorm())
fig, ax = subplots()
ax.semilogy(q, I, label="Simulated signal")
ax.set_xlabel("q ($nm^{-1}$)")
ax.set_ylabel("I (count)")
res = ai.integrate1d(img_theo, **kwarg)
ax.plot(*res, label="Integrated image")
#Display the error: commented as it makes the graph less readable
#I_bins = I0/(1+res.radial**2)
#ax.plot(res.radial, abs(res.intensity-I_bins), label="error")
We construct now a synthetic dataset of thousand images of this reference image with a statistical distribution which is common for photon-counting detectors (like Pilatus or Eiger): The Poisson distribution. The signal is between 100 and 10000, so every pixel should see photons and there is should be no "rare-events" bias (which sometimes occures in SAXS).
The Poisson distribution has the peculiarity of having its variance equal to the signal, hence the standard deviation equals to the square root of the signal.
Nota: the generation of the images is slow and takes about 1Gbyte of memory !
if "dataset" not in dir():
dataset = numpy.random.poisson(img_theo, (nimg,) + img_theo.shape)
# else avoid wasting time
print(dataset.nbytes/(1<<20), "MBytes", dataset.shape)
We have now thousand images of one magapixel. It is interesting to validate if the distribution actually follows the Poisson distribution. For this we will check if the signal and its variance follow a $\chi^2$ distribution.
For every pair of images I and J we calculate the numerical value of $\chi ^2$:
$$ \chi^2 = \frac{1}{nbpixel-1}\sum_{pix}\frac{(I_{pix} - J_{pix})^2}{\sigma(I_{pix})^2 + \sigma(J_{pix})^2)} $$The distibution is obtained by calculating the histogram of $\chi^2$ values for every pair of images, here almost half a milion.
The calculation of the $\chi^2$ value is likely to be critical in time, so we will shortly investigate 3 implementation: numpy (fail-safe but not that fast), numexp and numba Do not worry if any of the two later method fail: they are faster but provide the same numerical result as numpy.
print("Number of paires of images: ", nimg*(nimg-1)//2)
#Numpy implementation of Chi^2 measurement for a pair of images. Fail-safe implementation
def chi2_images_np(I, J):
"""Calculate the Chi2 value for a pair of images with poissonnian noise
Numpy implementation"""
return ((I-J)**2/(I+J)).sum()/(I.size - 1)
img0 = dataset[0]
img1 = dataset[1]
print(chi2_images_np(img0, img1))
%timeit chi2_images_np(img0, img1)
#Numexp implementation of Chi^2 measurement for a pair of images.
from numexpr import NumExpr
expr = NumExpr("((I-J)**2/(I+J))", signature=[("I", numpy.float64),("J", numpy.float64)])
def chi2_images_ne(I, J):
"""Calculate the Chi2 value for a pair of images with poissonnian noise
NumExpr implementation"""
return expr(I, J).sum()/(I.size-1)
img0 = dataset[0]
img1 = dataset[1]
print(chi2_images_ne(img0, img1))
%timeit chi2_images_ne(img0, img1)
#May fail if numexpr is not installed, but gives the same numerical value, just faster
#Numba implementation of Chi^2 measurement for a pair of images.
from numba import jit
def chi2_images_nu(img1, img2):
"""Calculate the Chi2 value for a pair of images with poissonnian noise
Numba implementation"""
I = img1.ravel()
J = img2.ravel()
l = len(I)
assert len(J) == l
#version optimized for JIT
s = 0.0
for i in range(len(I)):
a = float(I[i])
b = float(J[i])
s+= (a-b)**2/(a+b)
return s/(l-1)
img0 = dataset[0]
img1 = dataset[1]
print(chi2_images_nu(img0, img1))
%timeit chi2_images_nu(img0, img1)
#May fail if numba is not installed.
# The numerical value, may differ due to reduction algorithm used, should be the fastest.
# Select the prefered algorithm for calculating the numerical value of chi^2 for a pair of images.
chi2_images = chi2_images_ne
#Calculate the numerical value for chi2 for every pair of images. This takes a while
c2i = []
for i in range(nimg):
img1 = dataset[i]
for j in range(i):
c2i.append(chi2_images(img1, dataset[j]))
c2i = numpy.array(c2i)
fig, ax = subplots()
h,b,_ = ax.hist(c2i, 100, label="measured distibution")
size = numpy.prod(shape)
y_sim = chi2_dist.pdf(b*(size-1), size)
y_sim *= h.sum()/y_sim.sum()
ax.plot(b, y_sim, label=r"$\chi^2$ distribution")
ax.set_title("Is the set of images Poissonian?")
This validates the fact that our set of image is actually a Poissonian distribution around the target image displayed in figure 3.
We can now integrate all images and check wheather all pairs of curves (with their associated error) fit or not the $\chi^2$ distribution.
It is important to remind that we stay in SAXS approximation, i.e. no solid angle correction or other position-dependent normalization. The pixel splitting is also disabled. So the azimuthal integration is simply:
$$ I_{bin} = \frac{1}{count(pix\in bin)} \sum_{pix \in bin} I_{pix} $$The number of bins in the curve being much smaller than the number of pixel in the input image, this calculation is less time-critical. So we simply define the same kind of $\chi^2$ function using numpy.
def chi2_curves(res1, res2):
"""Calculate the Chi2 value for a pair of integrated data"""
I = res1.intensity
J = res2.intensity
l = len(I)
assert len(J) == l
sigma_I = res1.sigma
sigma_J = res2.sigma
return ((I-J)**2/(sigma_I**2+sigma_J**2)).sum()/(l-1)
#Perform the azimuthal integration of every single image
integrated = []
for i in range(nimg):
data = dataset[i, :, :]
integrated.append(ai.integrate1d(data, variance=data, **kwarg))
#Check if chi^2 calculation is time-critical:
%timeit chi2_curves(integrated[0], integrated[1])
c2 = []
for i in range(nimg):
res1 = integrated[i]
for j in range(i):
c2.append(chi2_curves(res1, integrated[j]))
c2 = numpy.array(c2)
fig, ax = subplots()
h,b,_ = ax.hist(c2, 100, label="Measured distibution")
y_sim = chi2_dist.pdf(b*(nimg-1), nimg)
y_sim *= h.sum()/y_sim.sum()
ax.plot(b, y_sim, label=r"Chi^2 distribution")
ax.set_title("Integrated curves in SAXS approximation")
low_lim, up_lim = chi2_dist.ppf([0.005, 0.995], nimg) / (nimg - 1)
print(low_lim, up_lim)
print("Expected outliers: ", nimg*(nimg-1)*0.005/2, "got",
(c2<low_lim).sum(),"below and ",(c2>up_lim).sum(), "above")
PyFAI applies by default solid-angle correction which is needed for powder diffraction. On synchrotron sources, the beam is highly polarized and one would like to correct for this effect as well. How does it influence the error propagation ?
If we enable the solid angle normalisation (noted $\Omega$) and the polarisation correction (noted $P$), this leads us to:
$$ I_{bin} = \frac{1}{count(pix\in bin)} \sum_{pix \in bin} \frac{I_{pix}}{\Omega_{pix} P_{pix}} $$Flatfield correction and any other normalization like pixel efficiency related to sensor thickness should be accounted in the same way.
Nota: The pixel splitting remains disabled.
kwarg = {"npt":npt,
"method": IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("nosplit_csr", dim=1),
#As we use "safe"=False, we need to reset the integrator manually:
def plot_distribution(ai, kwargs, nbins=100, integrate=None):
results = []
c2 = []
if integrate is None:
integrate = ai._integrate1d_legacy
for i in range(nimg):
data = dataset[i, :, :]
r = integrate(data, variance=data, **kwarg)
for j in range(i):
c2.append(chi2_curves(r, results[j]))
c2 = numpy.array(c2)
fig, ax = subplots()
h,b,_ = ax.hist(c2, nbins, label="Measured distibution")
y_sim = chi2_dist.pdf(b*(nimg-1), nimg)
y_sim *= h.sum()/y_sim.sum()
ax.plot(b, y_sim, label=r"Chi^2 distribution")
ax.set_title("Integrated curves")
return fig, ax
f,a = plot_distribution(ai, kwarg)
The normalisation of the raw signal distorts the distribution of error, even at a level of a few percent correction ! (Thanks Daniel Franke for the demonstration)
As any normalization introduces some distortion into the error propagation, the error propagation should properly account for this. Alessandro Mirone suggested to treat normalization within azimuthal integration like this :
$$ I_{bin} = \frac{\sum_{pix \in bin} I_{pix}}{\sum_{pix \in bin} \Omega_{pix}P_{pix}} $$This is under investigation since begining 2017 https://github.com/silx-kit/pyFAI/issues/520 and is now available as part of pyFAI_0.16 as the _integrate1d_ng
method of any AzimuthalIntegrator
object. This procedure has for now lower performances than the legacy version and we hope to get the performances back for version 0.17 and make it the default behaviour.
Nota: This is a major issue as almost any commercial detector comes with flatfield correction already applied on raw images; making impossible to properly propagate the error (I am especially thinking at photon counting detectors manufactured by Dectris!). The detector should then provide the actual raw-signal and the flatfield normalization to allow proper signal and error propagation.
This is a demonstration of how one can build an AzimuthalIntegrator-like class with proper error propagaton:
from pyFAI.containers import Integrate1dResult
from pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator import AzimuthalIntegrator
from copy import copy
class AzimuthalIntegratorNextGen(AzimuthalIntegrator):
def integrate1d_ng(self, data, variance, **kwargs):
"""Demonstrator for the new azimuthal integrator taking care of the normalization,
here implemented only on the solid-angle correction"""
kwargs = kwargs.copy()
if kwargs["correctSolidAngle"]:
norm = self.solidAngleArray(self.detector.shape).copy()
norm = numpy.ones(data.shape)
kwargs["correctSolidAngle"] = False
polf = kwargs.get("polarization_factor")
if polf:
norm *= self.polarization(self.detector.shape, factor=polf)
kwargs["polarization_factor"] = None
flat = kwargs.get("flat")
if flat is not None:
norm *= flat
kwargs["flat"] = None
denom = self.integrate1d(norm, **kwargs)
signal = self.integrate1d(data, **kwargs)
sigma2 = self.integrate1d(variance, **kwargs)
result = Integrate1dResult(denom.radial,
return result
ai2 = AzimuthalIntegratorNextGen(**ai_init)
kwarg = {"npt":npt,
"method": IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("nosplit_csr", dim=1),
#The new implementation provides almost the same result as the former one:
fig, ax = subplots()
data = dataset[0]
res_ng = ai._integrate1d_ng(data, variance=data, **kwarg)
jupyter.plot1d(res_ng, ax=ax, label="next_generation")
jupyter.plot1d(ai._integrate1d_legacy(data, variance=data, **kwarg), ax=ax, label="legacy")
#jupyter.plot1d(ai._integrate1d_ng(data, variance=data, **kwarg), ax=ax, label="next2")
# If you zoom in enough, you will see the difference !
#Validation of the error propagation without pixel splitting but with normalization:
f,a = plot_distribution(ai, kwarg, integrate = ai._integrate1d_ng)
Pixels splitting is implemented in pyFAI in calculating the fraction of area every pixel spends in any bin. This is noted $c^{pix}_{bin}$. The calculation of those coeficient is done with some simple geometry but it is rather tedious, this is why two implementation exists: a simple one which assues pixels boundary are paralle to the radial and azimuthal axes called BBox
for bounding box and a more precise one calculating the intersection of polygons (called splitpixel
. The calculation of those coefficient is what lasts during the initialization of the integrator as this piece of code is not (yet) parallelized. The total number of (complete) pixel in a bin is then simply the sum of all those coeficients: $\sum_{pix \in bin} c^{pix}_{bin}$.
The azimuthal integration used to be implemented as (pyFAI <=0.15):
$$ I_{bin} = \frac{ \sum_{pix \in bin} c^{pix}_{bin} \frac{I_{pix}}{\Omega_{pix} P_{pix}}}{\sum_{pix \in bin}c^{pix}_{bin}} $$With the associated error propagation (this is what is implemented in pyFAI, there is an error in it!):
$$ \sigma_{bin} = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{pix \in bin} c^{pix}_{bin} \sigma^2_{pix}}}{\sum_{pix \in bin}c^{pix}_{bin}} $$We have now tools to validate the error propagation for every single rebinning engine. Let's see if pixel splitting induces some error, with coarse or fine pixel splitting:
#With coarse pixel-splitting, new integrator:
kwarg["method"] = IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("csr", dim=1)
f,a = plot_distribution(ai, kwarg, integrate = ai._integrate1d_ng)
#With fine pixel-splitting, new integrator:
kwarg["method"] = IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("fullsplit_csr", dim=1)
f,a = plot_distribution(ai, kwarg, integrate = ai._integrate1d_ng)
Any kind of pixel splitting causes a change in the distribution of signal. This error has been spotted by Daniel Franke from Hamburg. If the azimuthal integration should be performed like:
$$ I_{bin} = \frac{\sum_{pix \in bin} c^{pix}_{bin}I_{pix}}{\sum_{pix \in bin} c^{pix}_{bin}\Omega_{pix}P_{pix}} $$the associated variance propagation should look like this:
$$ \sigma_{bin} = \frac{\sqrt{\sum_{pix \in bin} (c^{pix}_{bin})^2 \sigma^2_{pix}}} {\sum_{pix \in bin}c^{pix}_{bin}\Omega_{pix}P_{pix}} $$And the square of the coefficient has been missing until v0.16 of pyFAI. Updated rebinning engines contain a coef_power
optional argument which allows the user to change the power applied on the coefficient, like CSR-integrators:
kwarg["method"] = IntegrationMethod.select_one_available("csr", dim=1)
img = dataset[0]
fig,ax = subplots()
ref = ai.integrate1d(img, variance=img, **kwarg)
jupyter.plot1d(ref, ax=ax)
csr = ai.engines["csr_integrator"].engine
With those modification available, we are now able to estimate the error propagated from one curve and compare it with the "usual" result from pyFAI:
norm = ai.solidAngleArray(detector.shape) * ai.polarization(detector.shape, factor=0.95)
denom = csr.integrate(norm)
signal1 = csr.integrate(img)
signal2 = csr.integrate(img, coef_power=2)
fig,ax = subplots()
#ax.plot(ref.radial, ref.intensity, label="ref")
#ax.plot(denom1[0], signal1[2]/denom1[2], label="signal/norm")
ax.plot(ref.radial, ref.sigma, label="sigma")
ax.plot(denom[0], numpy.sqrt(signal2[2])/denom[2], label="sqrt(signal2)/norm1)")
#ax.plot(denom2[0], denom2[2])
It turns out pyFAI was slightly overestimating the error, but not by much which explains why this bug remained undiscovered for years.
We have now all the tools to build a new integrator and evaluate if it behaves as expected: (from a statistical point of view)
#Experimental 1D integrator ...
from pyFAI.containers import Integrate1dResult
from pyFAI.azimuthalIntegrator import AzimuthalIntegrator
from copy import copy
def integrate1d_experimental(self, data, variance, **kwargs):
"""Experimental azimuthal integrator"""
if "csr_integrator" not in self.engines:
self.integrate1d(data, **kwargs)
csr = self.engines["csr_integrator"].engine
if kwargs["correctSolidAngle"]:
norm = self.solidAngleArray(self.detector.shape).copy()
norm = numpy.ones(data.shape)
polf = kwargs.get("polarization_factor")
if polf:
norm *= self.polarization(self.detector.shape, factor=polf)
flat = kwargs.get("flat")
if flat is not None:
norm *= flat
denom1 = csr.integrate(norm)
signal = csr.integrate(data)
sigma2 = csr.integrate(variance, coef_power=2)
result = Integrate1dResult(denom1[0],
return result
#I would usually not recommand monkey-patching, but it is convieniant here for demonstration purpose
ai.__class__.integrate1d_experimental = integrate1d_experimental
f,a = plot_distribution(ai, kwarg, integrate=ai.integrate1d_experimental)
The integrated curves are now following the $\chi^2$ distribution, which means that the errors provided are in accordance with the data.
PyFAI's historical version (version <=0.16) has been providing proper error propagation ONLY in the case where any normalization (solid angle, flatfield, polarization, ...) and pixel splitting was DISABLED. This is not the most common use-case for pyFAI I have to confess. We demonstrate in this notebook how to fix the two bugs. For implementing this in pyFAI, many thousands of line of code needs to be changed and all associated test, which was not be possible before the release of pyFAI v0.16. But for scientific honesty I prefer warning the users of the implication and offer them the tools to validate the code.
Moreover the fact the normalization has to be performed as part of the integration is a major issue as almost any commercial detector comes with flatfield correction already applied.
print("Total execution time: ", time.time()-start_time)