Main inputs and outputs data for FreeART are : They are structured as presented :
It is a 3D vector but for now we only take into account 2D sinograms. Shape should be :
phantom : This is the input of a projector and the output of a reconstruction. This is a voxelisation of the sample. Shape is the following :
- first dimension : represents the x axis of the phantom voxelisation (should be equal to the third dimension of the sinogram )
- second dimension : represents the y axis of the phantom voxelisation (should be equal to the third dimension of the sinogram and to the first dimension of the phantom )
- third dimension : for now should always be 1 until we stay in 2D.
This can be an input for the sinogram generation (in compton or in fluorescence) or during a reconstuction. The shape of those matrices are mimicking the phantom structure. At each voxel we set the absorption in \(^{-2}\).