Source code for silx.utils.array_like

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"""Functions and classes for array-like objects, implementing common numpy
array features for datasets or nested sequences, while trying to avoid copying


    - :class:`DatasetView`: Similar to a numpy view, to access
      a h5py dataset as if it was transposed, without casting it into a
      numpy array (this lets h5py handle reading the data from the
      file into memory, as needed).
    - :class:`ListOfImages`: Similar to a numpy view, to access
      a list of 2D numpy arrays as if it was a 3D array (possibly transposed),
      without casting it into a numpy array.


    - :func:`is_array`
    - :func:`is_list_of_arrays`
    - :func:`is_nested_sequence`
    - :func:`get_shape`
    - :func:`get_dtype`
    - :func:`get_concatenated_dtype`


import numpy
import numbers

from .._utils import NP_OPTIONAL_COPY

__authors__ = ["P. Knobel"]
__license__ = "MIT"
__date__ = "26/04/2017"

[docs] def is_array(obj): """Return True if object implements necessary attributes to be considered similar to a numpy array. Attributes needed are "shape", "dtype", "__getitem__" and "__array__". :param obj: Array-like object (numpy array, h5py dataset...) :return: boolean """ # add more required attribute if necessary for attr in ("shape", "dtype", "__array__", "__getitem__"): if not hasattr(obj, attr): return False return True
[docs] def is_list_of_arrays(obj): """Return True if object is a sequence of numpy arrays, e.g. a list of images as 2D arrays. :param obj: list of arrays :return: boolean""" # object must not be a numpy array if is_array(obj): return False # object must have a __len__ method if not hasattr(obj, "__len__"): return False # all elements in sequence must be arrays for arr in obj: if not is_array(arr): return False return True
[docs] def is_nested_sequence(obj): """Return True if object is a nested sequence. A simple 1D sequence is considered to be a nested sequence. Numpy arrays and h5py datasets are not considered to be nested sequences. To test if an object is a nested sequence in a more general sense, including arrays and datasets, use:: is_nested_sequence(obj) or is_array(obj) :param obj: nested sequence (numpy array, h5py dataset...) :return: boolean""" # object must not be a numpy array if is_array(obj): return False if not hasattr(obj, "__len__"): return False # obj must not be a list of (lists of) numpy arrays subsequence = obj while hasattr(subsequence, "__len__"): if is_array(subsequence): return False # strings cause infinite loops if isinstance(subsequence, (str, bytes)): return True subsequence = subsequence[0] # object has __len__ and is not an array return True
[docs] def get_shape(array_like): """Return shape of an array like object. In case the object is a nested sequence but not an array or dataset (list of lists, tuples...), the size of each dimension is assumed to be uniform, and is deduced from the length of the first sequence. :param array_like: Array like object: numpy array, hdf5 dataset, multi-dimensional sequence :return: Shape of array, as a tuple of integers """ if hasattr(array_like, "shape"): return array_like.shape shape = [] subsequence = array_like while hasattr(subsequence, "__len__"): shape.append(len(subsequence)) # strings cause infinite loops if isinstance(subsequence, (str, bytes)): break subsequence = subsequence[0] return tuple(shape)
[docs] def get_dtype(array_like): """Return dtype of an array like object. In the case of a nested sequence, the type of the first value is inspected. :param array_like: Array like object: numpy array, hdf5 dataset, multi-dimensional nested sequence :return: numpy dtype of object """ if hasattr(array_like, "dtype"): return array_like.dtype subsequence = array_like while hasattr(subsequence, "__len__"): # strings cause infinite loops if isinstance(subsequence, (str, bytes)): break subsequence = subsequence[0] return numpy.dtype(type(subsequence))
[docs] def get_concatenated_dtype(arrays): """Return dtype of array resulting of concatenation of a list of arrays (without actually concatenating them). :param arrays: list of numpy arrays :return: resulting dtype after concatenating arrays """ dtypes = {a.dtype for a in arrays} dummy = [] for dt in dtypes: dummy.append(numpy.zeros((1, 1), dtype=dt)) return numpy.array(dummy).dtype
[docs] class ListOfImages(object): """This class provides a way to access values and slices in a stack of images stored as a list of 2D numpy arrays, without creating a 3D numpy array first. A transposition can be specified, as a 3-tuple of dimensions in the wanted order. For example, to transpose from ``xyz`` ``(0, 1, 2)`` into ``yzx``, the transposition tuple is ``(1, 2, 0)`` All the 2D arrays in the list must have the same shape. The global dtype of the stack of images is the one that would be obtained by casting the list of 2D arrays into a 3D numpy array. :param images: list of 2D numpy arrays, or :class:`ListOfImages` object :param transposition: Tuple of dimension numbers in the wanted order """ def __init__(self, images, transposition=None): """ """ super(ListOfImages, self).__init__() # if images is a ListOfImages instance, get the underlying data # as a list of 2D arrays if isinstance(images, ListOfImages): images = images.images # test stack of images is as expected assert is_list_of_arrays(images), "Image stack must be a list of arrays" image0_shape = images[0].shape for image in images: assert image.ndim == 2, "Images must be 2D numpy arrays" assert image.shape == image0_shape, "All images must have the same shape" self.images = images """List of images""" self.shape = (len(images),) + image0_shape """Tuple of array dimensions""" self.dtype = get_concatenated_dtype(images) """Data-type of the global array""" self.ndim = 3 """Number of array dimensions""" self.size = len(images) * image0_shape[0] * image0_shape[1] """Number of elements in the array.""" self.transposition = list(range(self.ndim)) """List of dimension indices, in an order depending on the specified transposition. By default this is simply [0, ..., self.ndim], but it can be changed by specifying a different ``transposition`` parameter at initialization. Use :meth:`transpose`, to create a new :class:`ListOfImages` with a different :attr:`transposition`. """ if transposition is not None: assert len(transposition) == self.ndim assert set(transposition) == set( list(range(self.ndim)) ), "Transposition must be a sequence containing all dimensions" self.transposition = transposition self.__sort_shape() def __sort_shape(self): """Sort shape in the order defined in :attr:`transposition`""" new_shape = tuple(self.shape[dim] for dim in self.transposition) self.shape = new_shape def __sort_indices(self, indices): """Return array indices sorted in the order needed to access data in the original non-transposed images. :param indices: Tuple of ndim indices, in the order needed to access the transposed view :return: Sorted tuple of indices, to access original data """ assert len(indices) == self.ndim sorted_indices = tuple( idx for (_, idx) in sorted(zip(self.transposition, indices)) ) return sorted_indices def __array__(self, dtype=None, copy=None): """Cast the images into a numpy array, and return it. If a transposition has been done on this images, return a transposed view of a numpy array.""" return numpy.transpose( numpy.array( self.images, dtype=dtype, copy=NP_OPTIONAL_COPY if copy is None else copy), self.transposition, ) def __len__(self): return self.shape[0]
[docs] def transpose(self, transposition=None): """Return a re-ordered (dimensions permutated) :class:`ListOfImages`. The returned object refers to the same images but with a different :attr:`transposition`. :param List[int] transposition: List/tuple of dimension numbers in the wanted order. If ``None`` (default), reverse the dimensions. :return: new :class:`ListOfImages` object """ # by default, reverse the dimensions if transposition is None: transposition = list(reversed(self.transposition)) # If this ListOfImages is already transposed, sort new transposition # relative to old transposition elif list(self.transposition) != list(range(self.ndim)): transposition = [self.transposition[i] for i in transposition] return ListOfImages(self.images, transposition)
@property def T(self): """ Same as self.transpose() :return: DatasetView with dimensions reversed.""" return self.transpose() def __getitem__(self, item): """Handle a subset of numpy indexing with regards to the dimension order as specified in :attr:`transposition` Following features are **not supported**: - fancy indexing using numpy arrays - using ellipsis objects :param item: Index :return: value or slice as a numpy array """ # 1-D slicing -> n-D slicing (n=1) if not hasattr(item, "__len__"): # first dimension index is given item = [item] # following dimensions are indexed with : (all elements) item += [slice(None) for _i in range(self.ndim - 1)] # n-dimensional slicing if len(item) != self.ndim: raise IndexError( "N-dim slicing requires a tuple of N indices/slices. " + "Needed dimensions: %d" % self.ndim ) # get list of indices sorted in the original images order sorted_indices = self.__sort_indices(item) list_idx, array_idx = sorted_indices[0], sorted_indices[1:] images_selection = self.images[list_idx] # now we must transpose the output data output_dimensions = [] frozen_dimensions = [] for i, idx in enumerate(item): # slices and sequences if not isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): output_dimensions.append(self.transposition[i]) # regular integer index else: # whenever a dimension is fixed (indexed by an integer) # the number of output dimension is reduced frozen_dimensions.append(self.transposition[i]) # decrement output dimensions that are above frozen dimensions for frozen_dim in reversed(sorted(frozen_dimensions)): for i, out_dim in enumerate(output_dimensions): if out_dim > frozen_dim: output_dimensions[i] -= 1 assert (len(output_dimensions) + len(frozen_dimensions)) == self.ndim assert set(output_dimensions) == set(range(len(output_dimensions))) # single list elements selected if isinstance(images_selection, numpy.ndarray): return numpy.transpose(images_selection[array_idx], axes=output_dimensions) # muliple list elements selected else: # apply selection first output_stack = [] for img in images_selection: output_stack.append(img[array_idx]) # then cast into a numpy array, and transpose return numpy.transpose(numpy.array(output_stack), axes=output_dimensions)
[docs] def min(self): """ :return: Global minimum value """ min_value = self.images[0].min() if len(self.images) > 1: for img in self.images[1:]: min_value = min(min_value, img.min()) return min_value
[docs] def max(self): """ :return: Global maximum value """ max_value = self.images[0].max() if len(self.images) > 1: for img in self.images[1:]: max_value = max(max_value, img.max()) return max_value
[docs] class DatasetView(object): """This class provides a way to transpose a dataset without casting it into a numpy array. This way, the dataset in a file need not necessarily be integrally read into memory to view it in a different transposition. .. note:: The performances depend a lot on the way the dataset was written to file. Depending on the chunking strategy, reading a complete 2D slice in an unfavorable direction may still require the entire dataset to be read from disk. :param dataset: h5py dataset :param transposition: List of dimensions sorted in the order of transposition (relative to the original h5py dataset) """ def __init__(self, dataset, transposition=None): """ """ super(DatasetView, self).__init__() self.dataset = dataset """original dataset""" self.shape = dataset.shape """Tuple of array dimensions""" self.dtype = dataset.dtype """Data-type of the array’s element""" self.ndim = len(dataset.shape) """Number of array dimensions""" size = 0 if self.ndim: size = 1 for dimsize in self.shape: size *= dimsize self.size = size """Number of elements in the array.""" self.transposition = list(range(self.ndim)) """List of dimension indices, in an order depending on the specified transposition. By default this is simply [0, ..., self.ndim], but it can be changed by specifying a different `transposition` parameter at initialization. Use :meth:`transpose`, to create a new :class:`DatasetView` with a different :attr:`transposition`. """ if transposition is not None: assert len(transposition) == self.ndim assert set(transposition) == set( list(range(self.ndim)) ), "Transposition must be a list containing all dimensions" self.transposition = transposition self.__sort_shape() def __sort_shape(self): """Sort shape in the order defined in :attr:`transposition`""" new_shape = tuple(self.shape[dim] for dim in self.transposition) self.shape = new_shape def __sort_indices(self, indices): """Return array indices sorted in the order needed to access data in the original non-transposed dataset. :param indices: Tuple of ndim indices, in the order needed to access the view :return: Sorted tuple of indices, to access original data """ assert len(indices) == self.ndim sorted_indices = tuple( idx for (_, idx) in sorted(zip(self.transposition, indices)) ) return sorted_indices def __getitem__(self, item): """Handle fancy indexing with regards to the dimension order as specified in :attr:`transposition` The supported fancy-indexing syntax is explained at Additional restrictions exist if the data has been transposed: - numpy boolean array indexing is not supported - ellipsis objects are not supported :param item: Index, possibly fancy index (must be supported by h5py) :return: Sliced numpy array or numpy scalar """ # no transposition, let the original dataset handle indexing if self.transposition == list(range(self.ndim)): return self.dataset[item] # 1-D slicing: create a list of indices to switch to n-D slicing if not hasattr(item, "__len__"): # first dimension index (list index) is given item = [item] # following dimensions are indexed with slices representing all elements item += [slice(None) for _i in range(self.ndim - 1)] # n-dimensional slicing if len(item) != self.ndim: raise IndexError( "N-dim slicing requires a tuple of N indices/slices. " + "Needed dimensions: %d" % self.ndim ) # get list of indices sorted in the original dataset order sorted_indices = self.__sort_indices(item) output_data_not_transposed = self.dataset[sorted_indices] # now we must transpose the output data output_dimensions = [] frozen_dimensions = [] for i, idx in enumerate(item): # slices and sequences if not isinstance(idx, int): output_dimensions.append(self.transposition[i]) # regular integer index else: # whenever a dimension is fixed (indexed by an integer) # the number of output dimension is reduced frozen_dimensions.append(self.transposition[i]) # decrement output dimensions that are above frozen dimensions for frozen_dim in reversed(sorted(frozen_dimensions)): for i, out_dim in enumerate(output_dimensions): if out_dim > frozen_dim: output_dimensions[i] -= 1 assert (len(output_dimensions) + len(frozen_dimensions)) == self.ndim assert set(output_dimensions) == set(range(len(output_dimensions))) return numpy.transpose(output_data_not_transposed, axes=output_dimensions) def __array__(self, dtype=None, copy=None): """Cast the dataset into a numpy array, and return it. If a transposition has been done on this dataset, return a transposed view of a numpy array.""" return numpy.transpose( numpy.array( self.dataset, dtype=dtype, copy=NP_OPTIONAL_COPY if copy is None else copy), self.transposition, ) def __len__(self): return self.shape[0]
[docs] def transpose(self, transposition=None): """Return a re-ordered (dimensions permutated) :class:`DatasetView`. The returned object refers to the same dataset but with a different :attr:`transposition`. :param List[int] transposition: List of dimension numbers in the wanted order. If ``None`` (default), reverse the dimensions. :return: Transposed DatasetView """ # by default, reverse the dimensions if transposition is None: transposition = list(reversed(self.transposition)) # If this DatasetView is already transposed, sort new transposition # relative to old transposition elif list(self.transposition) != list(range(self.ndim)): transposition = [self.transposition[i] for i in transposition] return DatasetView(self.dataset, transposition)
@property def T(self): """ Same as self.transpose() :return: DatasetView with dimensions reversed.""" return self.transpose()